An Extra Day

Do you know what is special about
the last day of February this year?

It is a catch-up day,
February 29th, Leap Year Day!

I've always felt sorry (and a tinge of jealousy) for those born on this day. They could only celebrate their birthdays every four years, but at the same time, that made them just a little bit more special.

There have been some interesting traditions and folklore centered on this day.

According to English law, February 29th was ignored and had no legal status. Therefore, it was the one day when women could ask someone to marry them. This practice was first documented in 1288, when Scotland passed a law that allowed women to propose marriage to the man of their choice in that year. They also made it law that any man who declined a proposal in a leap year must pay a fine, such as a kiss to money for clothing.

In the comic strip, Li'l Abner, Sadie Hawkins was the daughter of one of Dogpatch's earliest settlers, Hekzebiah Hawkins. The "homeliest gal in all them hills", she grew frantic waiting for suitors to come a-courtin'. When she reached the age of 35, still a spinster, her father was even more frantic—about Sadie living at home for the rest of his life. In desperation, he called together all the unmarried men of Dogpatch and declared it "Sadie Hawkins Day". Specifically, a foot race was decreed, with Sadie in hot pursuit of the town's eligible bachelors—and matrimony as the consequence.

"When ah fires [my gun], all o' yo' kin start a-runnin! When ah fires agin—after givin' yo' a fair start—Sadie starts a runnin'. Th' one she ketches'll be her husbin."

The town spinsters decided that this was such a good idea, they made Sadie Hawkins Day a mandatory yearly event, much to the chagrin of Dogpatch bachelors. In the satirical spirit that drove the strip, many sequences revolved around the dreaded Sadie Hawkins Day race. If a woman caught a bachelor and dragged him, kicking and screaming, across the finish line before sundown—by law he had to marry her! ( Sadie Hawkins Day )

When did you first learn about Leap Year Day?

I was just seven years old, and my father taught me about how the earth travels around the earth. He told me how it takes 365 1/4 of a day. Every four years, we put them together to make a special day. I remember thinking that I wish I had learned it that morning, so I could have enjoyed the special day that only happens every four years.

I have written a e-book for children
based on my childhood experience.

It is only $1.00 for the month of February,

(This will have to cover two letters,
D and E, for the A2Z Take 2)

All I Need

Our pastor has started preaching in II Peter. I love how he goes through the verses word by word. He explains the meanings in Greek (or Hebrew in the OT) and takes us to other Scripture where the Bible speaks on the same topic.

Here are a few snippets of his sermon.

When you have to assemble something, isn't it frustrating when one of the necessary parts is missing? God never leaves any parts out.

(II Peter 1:3)
"His divine power has given to us all things
that pertain to life and godliness,
through the knowledge of Him
who called us in glory and virtue."

We have everything we need to live for God.

We don't always feel like we are equipped for the Christian life,
but if God calls us, He will enable us.

God does not lack sufficiency in anything.

This abundancy is based on the character of God, the Giver.

Godliness means to be committed to God.

We can't obtain life by only being committed to God.
He gives us the capacity to live for Him.

We should seek a knowledge of God by studying His Word.

I needed to be reminded of the greatness of my God. When I am feeling helpless, when I feel the job is too big, I need to remember that God has a plan for my life. He won't ask me to do more than I am able to do (with His strength and power).

That's the key. I need to get so close to Him, that He can work through me to accomplish His will. I cannot serve Him in my own diligence or persistence or self-control. It will all be empty and dry. He gives life to my ministry.

"Let God do something in you,
and He will do something through you."

A Polliwog Poem

There something purring over at

Please leave a comment to encourage these young authors.

Friday Fiction - Pounding Rock

I wrote this story (CLICK HERE)
for the Faithwriter Challenge
(topic - Commitment).
It is based on at time when I lived in the Bahamas as a child.

Easy as Pie - Jello Popcorn Balls

Easy as Pie

I'm a writer, not a cook,
but occasionally, I like to get in the kitchen
and make cookies and such,
as long as the recipe isn't too complicated.

Each Thursday I will be sharing
some of my favorite recipes.
If you would like to share an easy recipe,
add your link at the bottom of this page.

This recipe has always been a favorite at our house.
Have fun!


Pop 6-8 quarts of popcorn. (1 cup of popcorn cooked in an air popper)
(I haven't tried microwave popcorn. If it works, let me know.)

1 stick of butter or margerine (either in microwave or in heavy pan)

1 pkg of marshmallows

Stir well.

1 sm. pkg. of Jello (your favorite flavor or color)

Stir well, again.

Pour over popped corn.

Grease palms with shortning or butter.

Form balls (or other shapes)and place on wax paper (or greased cookie sheets) (It cools quickly, so work quickly.)

While cooling, wash bowls and pans and spoons with hot, soapy water.

EAT !!!!

Try different colors, flavors, and shapes.
Tell me about your ideas.

Calm, in God's Control


Life is never easy. Sometimes, stormy circumstances cause me to fret and worry. I wonder what the future will be. I wonder what others think of me. As I learn... truly learn ... that God is in control, I find my heart resting in His plan.

I have a small sailboat, in which I have scooted about Searsport Harbor a little. Once time, I was having a wonderful time skipping over the sparkling waves, when the wind picked up. I began having a hard time controlling the sail. I was afraid. I knew that one wrong move could throw me into the cold dark water. I made it back to shore, but I was shaken.

Another time, my brother, an experienced sailor, suggested we go sailing on a blustery afternoon. Even though the waves were splashing over my back, I had no fear.

What was the difference?

I felt safe. I knew I was in good hands.
I didn't fear while my brother was in control.

As I learn to trust the Lord with my life, I find that I am not afraid of the waves in my life. My God is in control.


I could not hear
His voice in the hurried
Rush of the day.

With frets and fear
Pushing to the front of
The wild fray.

Buzzers and gears
Clanging, honking, roaring
In frenzied array.

I could not hear
His voice in the hurried
Rush of the day

When moonlight clear-
Ly bathes the world with calm
Soothing sweet saches,

Gentle woodland deer
Feed in quiet pastures
Near their Shepherd stay.

I could now hear
His whispers in the quiet
Hush of the day.

For more A2Z, go to Ordinary Lives

Feeling Lazy

When the adrenaline of a big event is exhausted,
(and you're not feeling well)
it's nice to be able to laze around
and let your body rejuvenate.

Let the world go by.

I'll be back on duty
when I can move again.

Wedding Day!

The running "joke" of the day is the Altoid can.

Caleb proposed by offering Kim an Altoid,
with the diamond ring displayed among the mints.

In the wedding, the ring bearer, Carter,
will be carrying the rings down the aisle in an Altoid can.
(I hope they don't get the wrong can.)

for a few photos on Facebook

Friday Fiction - Walkin' in the Gloamin'

Walkin' in the Gloamin'

Twixt day and night, ‘tis dreamin’ time,
When e’re the sun is hangin’ low,
And the rosy skies are glowin’
I ramble long over hill and dale
And wish upon the evening star
When I’m wanderin’ in the gloamin’.

The meadowlark chirps its lullabye
To springtime lambs and wild conies,
And o’er the purple heather bloomin’.
I hold a blossom to my nose,
Reminds me of my true love’s breath
As we’re wanderin’ in the gloamin’.

A soft wind tosses my auburn curls;
My flushed cheeks, it now caresses,
Across the moors, warm wind blowin’;
It carries th’air of the salty spray,
The same that brings my true love home,
To be wanderin’ in the gloamin’

Me thinks I hear my true love’s voice;
He promised oft, he’d marry me;
“Someday,” he sighed, “I’ll be returnin’.”
Tis not my name upon his lips,
But the steady wash against the shore,
Neath me wanderin’ in the gloamin’.

I gaze beyond the farthest isles
And shade my eyes against the glint
Mid white-capped waves a-billowin’;
My achin’ heart, it pines and yearns,
I cannae spy my true love’s craft,
As I’m wanderin’ in the gloamin’

Darkness threatens o’er the eastern sky,
Stinging drops mingle wi’ my tears;
Light from yonder window beckn’in’;
“I’ll ne’er forget, nor give up hope;
Goodnight, my love,” I whisper low,
“I’ll be wanderin’ in the gloamin’”

For more stories, go to Karlene Anna's new blog Voices

Easy as Pie - No Crust Apple Pie

Easy as Pie

I'm a writer, not a cook,
but occasionally, I like to get in the kitchen
and make cookies and such,
as long as the recipe isn't too complicated.

Each Thursday I will be sharing
some of my favorite recipes.
If you would like to share an easy recipe,
add your link at the bottom of this page.


apples (8-10, or 1/person)
1/2 cup of white sugar
sprinkle of salt
sprinkle of cinnamon
(nutmeg/ginger/cloves, if desired)
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup butter
vanilla ice cream

Peel and slice apples into a butter baking pan.
With each layer, sprinkle with sugar and spices
and a tiny bit of salt.
Fill with 3-4 layers.

Mix brown sugar with flour and butter.
Sprinkle over top of apples.

Bake at 300 deg. for a half hour
or until apples are soft.

Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.

(This may be prepared earlier - frozen or refrigerated,
then warmed in oven before serving.)

B is for Brrrrrrrrrrrr

It's winter in Maine.

Now that I don't have to drive every morning, I'm enjoying the beauty of the snow. I took these pictures because they are so symbolic of what winter is like.

It's a time of wishing . . .

and waiting . . .

for the time . . .

when life is renewed.

Yes, I look forward to spring,
but I don't want to miss the beauty and joys of this day.

For more photos and A2Z fun, go to Ordinary Lives .

"Walkin' On the Water"

There are times when humans are given the ability to do the impossible. There are times when God gives us power to overcome seemingly insurmountable situations. When He lifts us above our troubles, we experience the glorious feeling of victory. It's then we know -

it is all of Him
and none of us.


Have you gazed upon your Creator,
Til that nothing else seemed real?
Did you forget the thundering and winds,
Crashing and whirling at your feet?
Did you step beyond the walls of safety,
Consciously trusting your Lord?
Have you ever felt the thrill of walkin’,
Walkin’ on the water?
Nothing is impossible when His power is within.

Have you stood faithfully for your Lord,
Doing the right amid the foes?
Did your heart beat with fear and faith,
Knowing others watched and laughed?
Did you bow your head humbly to your King,
Knowing He would see you through?
Have ever felt the peace of sleepin’,
Sleepin’ with the lions,
Walkin’ on the water?
Nothing is impossible when His power is within.

Have you spoken boldly for your Saviour,
And roughly tossed to the ground?
Did you feel the pain of stinging words,
Your name smeared with mud and scorn?
Did you wipe your cheek and try again,
Grateful to be worthy of Him?
Have you ever felt the joy of singin’,
Singin’ at midnight,
Sleepin’ with the lions,
Walkin’ on the water?
Nothing is impossible when His power is within.

Have you seen the things of this world
Through the eyes of your Redeemer?
Did pleasures, worries, and sins
Seem as dust as you looked to the sky?
Did you feel the power of His Spirit
Give you victory o’er temptations?
Have you ever felt the strength of soarin’
Soarin’ with the eagles,
Singin’ at midnight,
Sleepin’ with the lions,
Walkin’ on the water?
Nothing is impossible when His power is within.

Polliwog Poetry

"Floppy Floaters"

Whatever can that be?

Splash your way over to
to see what this poem is all about?

Friday Fiction - Under Anesthesia

(a true story)

NO FOOD OR DRINK AFTER MIDNIGHT was written on her charts. She was hungry, and she couldn’t sleep. The clock on the wall taunted her with its ticking. The street lamp in the parking lot shined through the pink and white striped drapes, showing that it was only three o’clock. Suddenly, the fluorescent light above her bed glared in eyes.

“Sorry, Dear, I have to get your vitals before the end of my shift. Hmmm… Your blood pressure is a bit high. Are you nervous about the surgery? It will be over in a few hours. Try to go back to sleep.”

It was dark and quiet again, with the street lamp illuminating the ticking clock. "Back to sleep?" she thought. "How can anyone sleep when they’re poking you every few hours?"
She must have dozed, because the next thing she knew, the curtain next to her clacked along its track, separating her from the other bed. Voices whispered, bed rails clanked, and starched sheets ruffled. Finally it was quiet again.

“Hello? Is someone there? I’m Dorcas.”

A feeble voice answered. “I’m Sally.”

“What are you in for? I’m having thyroid surgery in a couple hours.”

“I’m having surgery today, too.” Her voice sounded tight and strained. “My kidneys are failing. They have to remove one and hope the other one will be enough. I expect I’ll be in here for awhile.”

“My birthday is Saturday, but I doubt I’ll be going home by then.”

“Saturday? That’s my birthday too!”

“Really? How old are you, Sally?”

“I will be sixty-seven. How about you?”

“I’ll be fifty-three.”

A new friendship budded as the ladies chatted back and forth through the thin striped curtain. Meal carts and cleaning carts bustled back and forth in the hallway outside their door. Buzzers and footsteps were ignored by them as they shared stories and experiences.

A nurse in pale-green scrubs swished into the room holding a tray of syringes, gauze, and alcohol wipes. She checked the charts at the foot of their beds.

“Dorcas? I need to give you something to relax you before we take you to the OR.”

Her pale face winced at the prick of the needle which placed the IV port into her arm. She felt the sting of anesthesia flow into her vein.

“Just relax, now. It will be all over before you know it.” The nurse checked the drip bag and opened the drapes. The sun peeked through the fluttering leaves of the maple tree.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes to get you, Sally,” she added as she scurried back out into the hallway.

The medicine was making her mind fuzzy…sleepy.

“Dorcas?” came the small voice from behind the curtain. “Dorcas, are you scared? I am… I’m afraid I’ll die.”

“No, Sally, I’m not afraid.” Her mind was drifting. No…I can’t go to sleep. I have to tell Sally about Jesus. I can’t think! Lord, help me…

Her mind drifted into the cloudy land of nothingness. Consciousness seemed just beyond reach. She tried to focus on her words.

“… believe…”

“What did you say, Dear? Would you like some water? That will make your throat feel better. The doctor will come see you soon. Here’s the button if you need me for anything.”

A couple hours later, a hoarse whisper floated through the room.



“Dorcas, I did it.”

“Did what?”

“I believed, just like you said.”

~ ~ ~

For more stories, go to Hoomi's Pods and Ponderings

Easy as Pie - Cheesy Chowder

Easy as Pie

I'm a writer, not a cook,
but occasionally, I like to get in the kitchen
and make cookies and such,
as long as the recipe isn't too complicated.

Each Thursday I will be sharing
some of my favorite recipes.
If you would like to share an easy recipe,
add your link at the bottom of this page.

What could be more heartening
on a cold winter's night than a bowl of hot soup?

Our family likes chowder. There are so many ways to make it for different tastes. I always start with boiling some potatoes. (about one/person . . . more if you have teenagers) I don't usually peel my potatoes. I scrub the skins and cut off any bad parts. I cut them into 1" chunks and add just enough water to cover them. Boil for about a half hour.

When the potatoes are soft, this is where you can get creative. Choose as many or few ingredients as you like.

Here are some of our favorite ingredients -


Cook until everything is soft. (It helps to cook the meat beforehand. This is a good way to use up leftovers.)

Add a can of evaporated milk and a jar of alfredo sauce.
Season with salt and pepper.

(If you wish to thicken it, stir in some instant powdered potatoes, about 1/4 cup at a time. )

Top with grated cheddar or Parmesan cheese.
Serve with hot biscuits or bread.


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