I'd like your help.
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Please take part in the poll on the right side bar.
(You may choose more than one answer.)
Ignore the hammering and banging.
Be patient with the detours and delays.
Hopefully, you'll love the finished product.
(You may choose more than one answer.)
Also, I am open to suggestions. If there is anything you'd like to see, please post it in the comment section. (I hold the right to refuse anything ridiculous or boring or embarrassing, but you can suggest away. I may just surprise you and post it anyway.)
Ignore the hammering and banging.
Be patient with the detours and delays.
Hopefully, you'll love the finished product.
I drop by from time to time to see what you are up to.
My family has deep roots in Maine, so I especially enjoy reading your "Maine stuff".
Thanks, Betts
After being away for a whole month, I appreciated the beauty of Maine even more.
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