Snuggly Sweaters

Ordinary Lives. a 2 z Take 2

For my contribution to the A2Z meme today,
with the letter S, I chose SWEATERS.

What is more comfy on a cool morning  than a thick, soft sweater?

Each year, I have made a sweater for my nephew on his birthday. Since he lives half way across the country, it's hard to guess how fast he is growing. It pleased me when his father told me that he loves his sweaters and wears them often

As my nephew got older, I wondered if he would still want a hand-knitted sweater from his auntie. Perhaps he was too big or too cool for that. I was assured when he started putting in his orders This last one was "neon green and black with a zipper."       *smile*

 I've decided to continue the tradition with my grandchildren. Each year, (not always on their birthday) I make them a new sweater. Sometimes, the sweaters don't always fit the way I hoped they would, (I've yet to master a pull-over neckline.) but I'm still improving my technique.

 It's so much fun to adapt the sweaters to their interests. I like to find new designs and patterns.

As I knit, I pray for that child. I pray that they will grow strong and obedient, that they will love the Lord and serve Him their whole life long.

At the rate my grandkids are being born, I think I'll be knitting sweaters year round!

For more A2Z posts, 
go to  Ordinary Lives


Joanne Sher said...

So very, VERY special, grandma Vonnie! :) Those are beautiful.

Barbara Lynn Culler said...

Wow- that is so nice! What special memories for those kids.

Anonymous said...

awww, your post made me laugh aloud. Even the title is fun. Thanks!

Coming over form Patty's meme

Niki Turner said...

These are amazing! Makes me want to start knitting ASAP!


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