Reaching Out to Others

A young child's world rotates around him and all his wants and needs. He is a selfish demanding king who wants everyone to wait on him and provide whatever he wishes. But, as they mature, that attitude is obnoxious and rude.

As our children grow, we need to make them aware of others. We need to teach them to be patient and have have longsuffering toward others, to let their sister choose which game to play. They need to look around them and see where they can help someone else, bringing their own dirty dishes into the kitchen.

A two or three year old can pick some flowers for their grandmother. A four or five year old can help decorate cookies to give away. A six or seven year old can choose some items to be given to a family who lost their home to a fire. An eight or nine year old can shovel a neighbor's walkway. As their skills and resources grow, so can their ways of helping grow.

As a family, be aware of others around you who might need help. Does someone need their wood split? Does a young couple need a night out and a babysitter? Is there an elderly person who is shut-in and would love to hear some Christmas carols?

Teach them to give to the Lord by giving unto others... our time, our money, our love.

Jesus said, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." (Matt. 25:40 KJV)

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