God's Christmas Child
Evelyn Bryant
The Babe of the ages, quietly lay,
Warmly snug in the manger hay;
Out in the night, the bright star shines,
Announced the birth of this Babe Divine.
Hosts of angels from on high,
Chorused the message across the sky;
The shepherds watched, in awe, that night,
The star that glowed, wondrously bright.
Heavenly music surrounded their way,
As they came to the place where the infant lay;
There in that manger, the Hope of the world,
God's gift to mankind, lay sweetly curled.
Closer, still closer, the shepherds pressed,
Gazing in wonder at the marvelous guest;
The angels still herald the news of the birth,
Of the One, who brought salvation to Earth.
Still today we can list to that wonderful song,
For the news from then has carried long;
Now it rings in the hearts of men,
As true today as it was then!"
~ ~ ~
(We miss this dear saint, prayer warrior,
and mother to our church family.)

1 comment:
I miss Evelyn too.
She had such a gift for poetry.
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