Monday Manna - " Bless Your Heart "

Today's Monday Manna
is hosted by Joanne Sher
at An Open Book.
We are focusing on this verse -

"Not that I seek the gift,
but I seek the fruit
that abounds to your account."
(Philippians 4:17)

Receiving gifts is nice, especially when it meets a need. You appreciate the thought and love and sacrifice behind that gift. Perhaps the gift is money; perhaps it's a luxury item that you only dreamed of owning; perhaps the gift is a replacement for something that broke. Whatever it may be, gifts are wonderful.


Better than gifts are the blessings of seeing a child or a student growing up in the ways of the Lord. It's such a joy to hear that someone was baptized or that she protected her purity until her wedding day or that a young man is going into the ministry.

Paul appreciated the gifts sent to him from the church in Philippi, but even more, he was glad to hear of them growing in the things that they had learned of God.

The apostle John said,

"I have no greater joy than to hear
that my children walk in truth."
(III John 1:4)

1 comment:

Joanne Sher said...

There absolutely IS no greater gift than this! Thanks, Vonnie!


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