In celebration of my blog hitting 1000 posts on July 4th, I am inviting you to join me in counting A THOUSAND GRATEFULS this month. To reach that number, we need to look beyond the ordinary and see the little things that God gives to us each day.
If we reach 1000 gratefuls by July 4th, I will send a Maine postcard to any that participate. (Be sure your name is included in your list of gratefuls. You may enter as many times as you wish.)
If we reach 1000 gratefuls by July 4th, I will send a Maine postcard to any that participate. (Be sure your name is included in your list of gratefuls. You may enter as many times as you wish.)
The original post for
is filled to capacity.
That's a good problem!
is filled to capacity.
That's a good problem!
So it looks like I'm going to have to make a new post each week, and that's not a problem.
To see the first 300 gratefuls,
301. irises
302. day lilies
303. memories of mother
304. Ryan
305. Kristen
306. Nik
307. My husband, Jim
308. a way for Nik to go to college
309. Saturday morning quiet
310. summer vacation!
311. vehicles that run
312. air conditioning!
313. Chinese food:)
314. any kind of chocolate!
315. FW conference coming up!
316. books that whisk me away
317. Days I don't have to drive
318. Chronicles of Narnia
319. Both my kids finishing the year well
320. An upcoming nap
321. A wise husband
322. sidewalks
323. air conditioning
324. a happy, solid marriage
325. Friends who are forgiving
326. Faraway friends
327. Nearby friends
328. Days when you can stay in bed
329. fun playgrounds
330. digital cameras
331. oatmeal raisin cookies
332. Cheerios
333. memories
334. crayons
335. new sneakers
336. Nestea lemon iced tea
337. home
338. apple decorations
339. graduations
340. weddings
341. hot water
342. church family
343. older mentoring women
344. inner peace
345. memorized verses
346. waterfalls
347. sailboats
348. wagging dog tails
349. smilies on emails
350. blog comments
351. Ladies Bible Study
352. a dear sister showing God's love in adversity
353. baby house wrens chatting in their nest
354. mocking bird imitating a cardinal and phoebe
355. hearing Caleb teach Sun. School class
356. corn beef dinner
357. air-popped buttery popcorn
358. Mister Rogers
359. Writer magazine
360. God's mercy
362. coffee time with Randy Blake each morning
363. green leaves (so vivid after the rain)
364. washer/dryer
365. clothesline
366. apple scented candles
367. the valleys so God can show His mighty power
368. God sending me to the mountain top!
369. Q-tips
370. Iverest for poison ivy
371. God's patience
372. my cousin Katy's healing from cancer
373. orioles
374. electricity
375. fun memories from childhood
376. loving grandparents
377. camping with family
378. road trips
379. bedtime stories
380. finding a bird nest nearby
381. less pain today
382. Paint app. on computer
383. brother Phillip
384. sis-in-law Donna
385. brother Jonathan
386. sis-in-law Tracy
387. nephew Landis
388. pb&j sandwiches
389. glass of milk
390. french vanilla creamer
391. Microwaves
392. microwavable popcorn
393. paper towels
394. ceiling fans
395. flip flops
396. soft hair elastics
397. hair conditioner
398. vacuum cleaners
399. toasters
400. cordless phones
401. being the one who decides what's for dinner.
402. Sunny blue skies.
403. Missionaries who've gone before.
404. Bible study books.
405. God's faithful goodness even when I don't deserve it.
406. Eggs.
407. Bananas.
408. Avocados.
409. Peanut butter.
410. My husband, Kevin.
411. My kids who've grown up and are teaching me.
412. So many things to learn.
413. So many people to meet.
414. So much stuff to do.
415.A puppy to cuddle with.
416. The neighbor's cute kids.
417. Different languages.
418. cultures.
419. The whole big world.
420. The whole big Bible.
421. Knowing life's end- beginning of eternal life.
422. Health.
423. Family.
424. My dad.
425. Innumerable blessings.
426. Time.
427. humidity to peel wallpaper off the walls
428. challenges in life with blessings from God
429. wonderful church family
430. encouraging friends
431. God's beautiful world
432. Gloria Harriman's 7 children
433. 20 grandchildren
434. 8 great-grandchildren
435. Yvonne and her blog
436. for the woodstove on a cool day
437. hubby getting my motor scooter loaded
438. Wandering Wheels, Christian traveling group
439. Monday night Ladies Bible Study
440. Wednesday morning Bible Study in Athens
441. my Great & Wonderful God!
442. Gloria Harriman's family(my grateful, too)
444. Randy
445. Greg
446. Lynnda
447. Lisa
448. Lori
449. Daniel
450. Leanne
451. Richard
452. Melissa
453. Rebecca
454. Jim
455. Nick
456. Kristyn
457. Brady
458. Lorna
459. Deanna
460. Laura
461. Angela
462. Tom
463. Emily
464. Darren
465. Scott
466. Andrew
467. Bobbie
468. Morgan
469. Conner
470. Cole
471. Isaiah
472. Hezekiah
473. Samuel
474. Joshua
475. Helen
476. Evelyn
477. Raven
478. Lark
479. Shari
480. Kathy
481. Tim
482. Bud
483. Sarah
484. Rob
485. Jen
486. John
487. Ed.
488. living in Maine
489. peepers
490. soft tissues
491. My bountiful garden
492. Ileen Beverly
493. John Beverly
494. delicious greens from my garden today
495. My health
496. Lorraine Badorek
497. Sandy Furrow
498. Lynne Russell
499. Lynne Jacobs
500. Dave Jacobs
501. Margaret Buzzell
502. Al Buzzell
503. Kevin Brooks
504. Tammi Brooks
505. Mary Ann Clavette
506. Dawn Emery
507. Naomi B.
508. Rachel Blake
509. Dick Blake
510. Janet Dixon.
511. tickles
512. walks with my son
513, Lynda getting contracted :D
514. bathtubs
515. almost halfway to 500
516. crazy cats
517. a new page of gratefuls (soon another one)
518. early morning stillness.
519. Silent snowfalls.
520. Rhododendrens.
521. Sharing friends' joys.
522. Summer rain
523. Good friends
524. Beach days
525. Sunscreen
526. Air conditioning
527. Naps
528. Sunrises
529. Sunsets
530. Realistic art.
531. Chipmunks.
532. Reading.
533. Writing.
534. Cellphones.
535. water -- necessary for life and plentiful
536. clean air to breathe
537. a job for my daughter
538. Christian friends (online)
539. Christian friends (nearby)
540. online Bibles
541. online Bible study resources (many free)
542. flowers that bloom in the desert
543. non-Christian friends (we're praying)
544. snoring animals :)
545. Evangelical Baptist Church
546. my pastor
547. my pastor's family
548. my wonderful church family
549. chicken soup (many meals made with love)
550. Evangel Baptist Academy
551. teaching at EBA
552. kindergarteners
553. singing children
554. musical instruments
555. the coast of Maine
556. metal detecting
557. VBS
558. Searsport's day camp
559. Cana Family Bible camp
560. old friends
561. new friends
562. new friends to make
563. old pictures
564. antiques
565. junk shops
566. yard sales
567. a good bargain
568. best friends
569. cousins
570. "adopted" cousins
571. Jesus is coming again!
572. sleep
572. flannel sheets
573. Randy's job
574. dinner date
575. photos
576. Time this summer with family
577. Graduation- 2 drs in the family June 4
578. Phillip Ashley
579. Heather Asley
580. we got to attend the graduation!!
581. 4/5 children were also there in Galveston, TX
582. also 6 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild!!
583. A lovely old house where everyone gathered
584. a swimming pool
585. Judson’s job- enabled many to fly there
586. birthday party 2 yr.old Conner Fleet June 14t
587. Judy and Gary Fleet
588. Frequent phone calls from family
589. visit from Kent Ashley & Stacy Berry on May 30
590. phone call from a now grown up little girl
591. A swimming pool for therapy on my leg
592. Seymour’s hand getting better
593. A Saviour who has delivered us from the kingdom of darkness
594. Who has placed us in the kingdom of light
595. the rights and privileges of this glorious kingdom
596. The knowledge that JESUS IS COMING TO EARTH AGAIN
597. new kitten
598. Jonnie Bonin -great foster mother cat
599. Carter being gentle
600. going on a dinner date with my hubby
302. day lilies
303. memories of mother
304. Ryan
305. Kristen
306. Nik
307. My husband, Jim
308. a way for Nik to go to college
309. Saturday morning quiet
310. summer vacation!
311. vehicles that run
312. air conditioning!
313. Chinese food:)
314. any kind of chocolate!
315. FW conference coming up!
316. books that whisk me away
317. Days I don't have to drive
318. Chronicles of Narnia
319. Both my kids finishing the year well
320. An upcoming nap
321. A wise husband
322. sidewalks
323. air conditioning
324. a happy, solid marriage
325. Friends who are forgiving
326. Faraway friends
327. Nearby friends
328. Days when you can stay in bed
329. fun playgrounds
330. digital cameras
331. oatmeal raisin cookies
332. Cheerios
333. memories
334. crayons
335. new sneakers
336. Nestea lemon iced tea
337. home
338. apple decorations
339. graduations
340. weddings
341. hot water
342. church family
343. older mentoring women
344. inner peace
345. memorized verses
346. waterfalls
347. sailboats
348. wagging dog tails
349. smilies on emails
350. blog comments
351. Ladies Bible Study
352. a dear sister showing God's love in adversity
353. baby house wrens chatting in their nest
354. mocking bird imitating a cardinal and phoebe
355. hearing Caleb teach Sun. School class
356. corn beef dinner
357. air-popped buttery popcorn
358. Mister Rogers
359. Writer magazine
360. God's mercy
362. coffee time with Randy Blake each morning
363. green leaves (so vivid after the rain)
364. washer/dryer
365. clothesline
366. apple scented candles
367. the valleys so God can show His mighty power
368. God sending me to the mountain top!
369. Q-tips
370. Iverest for poison ivy
371. God's patience
372. my cousin Katy's healing from cancer
373. orioles
374. electricity
375. fun memories from childhood
376. loving grandparents
377. camping with family
378. road trips
379. bedtime stories
380. finding a bird nest nearby
381. less pain today
382. Paint app. on computer
383. brother Phillip
384. sis-in-law Donna
385. brother Jonathan
386. sis-in-law Tracy
387. nephew Landis
388. pb&j sandwiches
389. glass of milk
390. french vanilla creamer
391. Microwaves
392. microwavable popcorn
393. paper towels
394. ceiling fans
395. flip flops
396. soft hair elastics
397. hair conditioner
398. vacuum cleaners
399. toasters
400. cordless phones
401. being the one who decides what's for dinner.
402. Sunny blue skies.
403. Missionaries who've gone before.
404. Bible study books.
405. God's faithful goodness even when I don't deserve it.
406. Eggs.
407. Bananas.
408. Avocados.
409. Peanut butter.
410. My husband, Kevin.
411. My kids who've grown up and are teaching me.
412. So many things to learn.
413. So many people to meet.
414. So much stuff to do.
415.A puppy to cuddle with.
416. The neighbor's cute kids.
417. Different languages.
418. cultures.
419. The whole big world.
420. The whole big Bible.
421. Knowing life's end- beginning of eternal life.
422. Health.
423. Family.
424. My dad.
425. Innumerable blessings.
426. Time.
427. humidity to peel wallpaper off the walls
428. challenges in life with blessings from God
429. wonderful church family
430. encouraging friends
431. God's beautiful world
432. Gloria Harriman's 7 children
433. 20 grandchildren
434. 8 great-grandchildren
435. Yvonne and her blog
436. for the woodstove on a cool day
437. hubby getting my motor scooter loaded
438. Wandering Wheels, Christian traveling group
439. Monday night Ladies Bible Study
440. Wednesday morning Bible Study in Athens
441. my Great & Wonderful God!
442. Gloria Harriman's family(my grateful, too)
444. Randy
445. Greg
446. Lynnda
447. Lisa
448. Lori
449. Daniel
450. Leanne
451. Richard
452. Melissa
453. Rebecca
454. Jim
455. Nick
456. Kristyn
457. Brady
458. Lorna
459. Deanna
460. Laura
461. Angela
462. Tom
463. Emily
464. Darren
465. Scott
466. Andrew
467. Bobbie
468. Morgan
469. Conner
470. Cole
471. Isaiah
472. Hezekiah
473. Samuel
474. Joshua
475. Helen
476. Evelyn
477. Raven
478. Lark
479. Shari
480. Kathy
481. Tim
482. Bud
483. Sarah
484. Rob
485. Jen
486. John
487. Ed.
488. living in Maine
489. peepers
490. soft tissues
491. My bountiful garden
492. Ileen Beverly
493. John Beverly
494. delicious greens from my garden today
495. My health
496. Lorraine Badorek
497. Sandy Furrow
498. Lynne Russell
499. Lynne Jacobs
500. Dave Jacobs
501. Margaret Buzzell
502. Al Buzzell
503. Kevin Brooks
504. Tammi Brooks
505. Mary Ann Clavette
506. Dawn Emery
507. Naomi B.
508. Rachel Blake
509. Dick Blake
510. Janet Dixon.
511. tickles
512. walks with my son
513, Lynda getting contracted :D
514. bathtubs
515. almost halfway to 500
516. crazy cats
517. a new page of gratefuls (soon another one)
518. early morning stillness.
519. Silent snowfalls.
520. Rhododendrens.
521. Sharing friends' joys.
522. Summer rain
523. Good friends
524. Beach days
525. Sunscreen
526. Air conditioning
527. Naps
528. Sunrises
529. Sunsets
530. Realistic art.
531. Chipmunks.
532. Reading.
533. Writing.
534. Cellphones.
535. water -- necessary for life and plentiful
536. clean air to breathe
537. a job for my daughter
538. Christian friends (online)
539. Christian friends (nearby)
540. online Bibles
541. online Bible study resources (many free)
542. flowers that bloom in the desert
543. non-Christian friends (we're praying)
544. snoring animals :)
545. Evangelical Baptist Church
546. my pastor
547. my pastor's family
548. my wonderful church family
549. chicken soup (many meals made with love)
550. Evangel Baptist Academy
551. teaching at EBA
552. kindergarteners
553. singing children
554. musical instruments
555. the coast of Maine
556. metal detecting
557. VBS
558. Searsport's day camp
559. Cana Family Bible camp
560. old friends
561. new friends
562. new friends to make
563. old pictures
564. antiques
565. junk shops
566. yard sales
567. a good bargain
568. best friends
569. cousins
570. "adopted" cousins
571. Jesus is coming again!
572. sleep
572. flannel sheets
573. Randy's job
574. dinner date
575. photos
576. Time this summer with family
577. Graduation- 2 drs in the family June 4
578. Phillip Ashley
579. Heather Asley
580. we got to attend the graduation!!
581. 4/5 children were also there in Galveston, TX
582. also 6 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild!!
583. A lovely old house where everyone gathered
584. a swimming pool
585. Judson’s job- enabled many to fly there
586. birthday party 2 yr.old Conner Fleet June 14t
587. Judy and Gary Fleet
588. Frequent phone calls from family
589. visit from Kent Ashley & Stacy Berry on May 30
590. phone call from a now grown up little girl
591. A swimming pool for therapy on my leg
592. Seymour’s hand getting better
593. A Saviour who has delivered us from the kingdom of darkness
594. Who has placed us in the kingdom of light
595. the rights and privileges of this glorious kingdom
596. The knowledge that JESUS IS COMING TO EARTH AGAIN
597. new kitten
598. Jonnie Bonin -great foster mother cat
599. Carter being gentle
600. going on a dinner date with my hubby

Another page of gratefuls :)
Days I don't have to drive
Chronicles of Narnia
Both my kids finishing the year well
An upcoming nap
A wise husband
Friends who are forgiving
Faraway friends
Nearby friends
Days when you don't feel well and can stay in bed and ride it out
Microwaves, microwavable popcorn, paper towels, and ceiling fans.
Getting to be the one who decides what's for dinner.
Sunny blue skies.
Missionaries who've gone before.
Bible study books.
God's faithful goodness even when I don't deserve it.
Peanut butter.
My husband.
My kids who've grown up and are teaching me.
So many things to learn.
So many people to meet.
So much stuff to do.
A puppy to cuddle with.
The neighbor's cute kids.
Different languages.
Different cultures.
The whole big world.
The whole big Bible.
Knowing that though this life will end, it's just the beginning of a wonderful eternal life.
My dad.
Innumerable blessings.
Early morning stillness.
Silent snowfalls.
Sharing friends' joys.
walks with my son
Lynda getting contracted :D
almost halfway to 500
crazy cats
Summer rain
Good friends
Beach days
Air conditioning
Thanks, Karen!
Realistic art.
1 - water -- necessary for life and plentiful
2 - clean air to breathe
3 - a job for my daughter
4 - Christian friends (online)
5 - Christian friends (nearby)
6 - online Bibles
7 - online Bible study resources (many free)
8 - flowers that bloom in the desert
9 - non-Christian friends (for whome we're praying)
10 - snoring animals :)
evangelical baptist church
my pastor
my pastor's family
my wonderful church family
chicken soup and many other meals
made with love for us over
the years
evangel baptist academy
teaching at eba
singing children
musical intstruments
the coast of maine
metal detecting
searsports day camp
cana family Bible camp
old friends
new friends
new friends to make
old pictures
junk shops
yard sales
a good bargain
best friends
Thanks, friends! Keep them coming! (Isn't this fun?)
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