"Daddy, I can't sleep."
I remember one night, When I was about 8 years old, I was having trouble going to sleep. My father suggested that I count to 100, but that only took a few minutes. He then told me to count to 1000 - by counting to 100 ten times. I'm sure he was not too happy when I tapped on his shoulder again.
"Daddy, I did it. I counted to 1000,
and I'm still awake."
and I'm still awake."
I don't remember how I finally fell asleep that night, but I do remember realizing that the number 1000 was not as big and unattainable as I thought it would be.
On July 4th,
my blog will reach
1000 posts!
my blog will reach
1000 posts!
Between now and then, I want to challenge myself and you to think of 1000 things we are grateful for. It will not be a contest but a joint effort to reach our goal.
1. Post your "gratefuls" in the comment section.
2. You may post more than one/day.
(We need at least 30 each day.)
3. You may NOT repeat earlier "gratefuls" -
either yours or someone else's.
(I will be keeping a running list on this page.)
4. Be specific. Be creative.
5. If we reach 1000 entries, I will send a Maine postcard to each participant.
"In everything give thanks"
Grateful List
1. God's sovereignty
2. Randy
3. Grace
4. Caleb
5. Benjamin
6. Anna
7. Stephen
8. Lydia
9. Micah
10. Abel
11. Frog ponds
12. Weeping Willow Trees
13. Andrew
14. Annika
15. Marc
16. Cross Creek Charter Academy
17. Jewely sisters
18. Writing
19. God's Word
20. God
21. My family.
22. Flowers.
23. Health.
24. Car.
25. Trees.
26. Freedom.
27. Salvation.
28. Church
29. Laptop
30. Loving God
31. sons
32. daughters in law
33. home church in Maine
34. wonderful friends
35. most wonderful husband ever
36. My private bathroom
37. the quiet of the night
38. earthworms
39. my children
40. my grandchildren
41. good doctors
42. four seasons
43. talents God gave to me
44. colors
45. warmth in winter
46. coolness in summer
47. sunrises
48. sunsets
49. children's laughter
50. coffee
51. biological family
52. spiritual family
53. including daughters
54. DBU
55. East Creek neighbors
56. my townhouse
57. the Lord's peace
58. the Lord's protection
59. God's continued presence
60. God's healing from pneumonia
61. family doctor
62. attentive husband
63. blueberry coffee
64. chocolate cake
65. husband--Leon
66. son --Dennis
67. his wife -- Teresa
68. granddaughter-- Steph
69. her husband --Matt
70. granddaughter -- Allie
71. her husband--Joe
72. daughter --Deb
73. her husband -- Phil
74. grandson--Drew
75. other grandson-- Nolan
76. brother--John
77. other brother-- Sam
78. sister--Mary
79. a happy home
80. a house we enjoy together
81. time with my husband
82. happy marriage
83. children's Christian families
84. good friends' hug
85. on-line friends
86. hymns
87. joy in my heart
88. encouragement
89. missionaries
90. solid Bible preaching
91. Maine coast
92. spring water
93. woodstove on a chilly evening
94. Carter
95. dimples
96. digital camera
97. teaching Sunday School
98. Bible in my language
99. a voice to sing
100. communion with my church family
101. pastor who teaches the truth
102. backyard birds
103. Hearing.
104. Sight.
105. Homemade quilts.
106. Classical music.
107. My computer
108. Air conditioning
109. 17 books for my son for $4.25
110. Texting
111. ACFW
112. An auto mechanic friend
113. Cat - Emmy, for 11 yrs.
114.a/the day of grace
115. Christ's death, burial, and resurrection
116. Tilman
117. Shannon
118. Nick
119. Jackson
120. Ella
121. Shane
122. Jennyfer
123. Sherah
124. coffee
125. home comforts
126. music (stirs the soul) ;)
127. electronics (makes miles shorter)
128. peepers on a spring evening
129. a train whistle
130. fuzzy socks
131. songs in my head all the time
132. words
133. a friend's hugs
134. taking a walk
135. early morning quiet
136. line-dried sheets
137. washing machine
138. freshly mowed grass
139. steeples
140. cell phones
141. a front porch
142. my car didn't die
143. birds
144. the garbage truck
145. school out in four days
146. a goofy cat
147. strength when I think I can't go on!
148. grandchild
149. Old friends
150. men and women serving our country
151. strength to walk
152. the beauty God has provided
153. Terry
154. Jennifer
155. Jessica
156. Andrew
157. butterflies
158. lightning bugs
159. sunny days
160. hanging out clothes
161. mowing the lawn
162. babies' laughter
163. babbling brooks to wade in
164. a great sister-in-law
165. lady slippers
166. ferns
167. gummy bears
168. Snickers bar
169. bowtie Dunkin Donuts
170. french vanilla cappuccino
171. friend - Mary Fox
172. morning walks
173. pine cones (they float!)
174. Dollar Tree store
175. GoodWill store
176. Texas Roadhouse
177. Dinner with Randy
178. answers to prayer
179. Tootsie Pops
180. texting with Abel
181. Patricia walking
182. relationships restored
183. children taught of the Lord
184. God's peace
185. God's faithfulness
186. share God's goodness on FB
187. hope of heaven
188. Psalm 1
189. wonderful parents
190. comforting dreams
191. healed relationships
192. God's teaching
193. books
194. each day being a new page to fill
195. Being one of God's children
196. birds singing at 4AM
197. little breezes that keep us cool
198. that I can pray at any time and any place
199. neighbors that don't us to go away
200. sleeping toddlers
201. electricity
202. laptop
203. cell phone
204. brilliant thunderstorms
205. God's power
206. Doug
207. Kelly
208. Becca
209. Emily
210. Zachary
211. eyes to see
212. ears to hear
213. taste
214. touch
215. smell
216. country
217. good neighbors
218. forgiveness
219. salvation
220. take-home boxes
221. Dad-Paul
222. Mom-Mary
223. older brother, Floyd
224. his wife Renee
225. Floyd III
226. Rebekah
227. Rachel
228. Jesse
229. Floyd III's wife Brittney
230. Isaiah
231. Logan
232. brother Stan
233. Lori, whom I will hug in Glory
234. Phil
235. Tori
236. Emily
237. Katie
238. Michael, my husband of 24 years
239. Sarah
240. Stephanie
241. Mike Jr.
242. Benjamin
243. Sarah's fiancee Jon
244. Stephanie's husband, Andrew
245. Manny
246. Isabelle
247. dear friend Kathryn
248. men who take Ben hunting/fishing
249. Gerry
250. Sean
251. Don
252. Gary
253. internet
254. the router
255. Love of my family
256. God's unending strength
257. God knows our needs before we do
258. When we hurt, God walks with us.
259. natural sights on my walks
260. five children
261. caring husband
262. kindnesses in a strange land
263. evening mist
264. High BP - found Katelyn's growth problem
265. sister-took me to gospel preaching church
266. married love
267. commitment
268. dragonflies
269. hummingbirds
270. Christian music
271. kittens
272. Dodge Challengers
273. Dodge Rams
274. working vehicles
275. ninjas - the motorcycle
276. plant near the barn is NOt marijuana
279. kindred-spirit students
280. Grace Blake Godwin
281. Amanda Burnett Grizzaffi
282. Sara Triana Mitchell
283. Natalie Pleimann
284. Michael
285. Nicholas
286. Zachary
287. Lucas
288. Drew
289. Alex
290. Caleb
291. Harold
292. Ayden
293. Jason
294. Joshua
295. Daniel
296. Erica
297. Elisabeth
298. Ellette
299. lupines
300. motorcycle ride with my husband
1. God's sovereignty
2. Randy
3. Grace
4. Caleb
5. Benjamin
6. Anna
7. Stephen
8. Lydia
9. Micah
10. Abel
11. Frog ponds
12. Weeping Willow Trees
13. Andrew
14. Annika
15. Marc
16. Cross Creek Charter Academy
17. Jewely sisters
18. Writing
19. God's Word
20. God
21. My family.
22. Flowers.
23. Health.
24. Car.
25. Trees.
26. Freedom.
27. Salvation.
28. Church
29. Laptop
30. Loving God
31. sons
32. daughters in law
33. home church in Maine
34. wonderful friends
35. most wonderful husband ever
36. My private bathroom
37. the quiet of the night
38. earthworms
39. my children
40. my grandchildren
41. good doctors
42. four seasons
43. talents God gave to me
44. colors
45. warmth in winter
46. coolness in summer
47. sunrises
48. sunsets
49. children's laughter
50. coffee
51. biological family
52. spiritual family
53. including daughters
54. DBU
55. East Creek neighbors
56. my townhouse
57. the Lord's peace
58. the Lord's protection
59. God's continued presence
60. God's healing from pneumonia
61. family doctor
62. attentive husband
63. blueberry coffee
64. chocolate cake
65. husband--Leon
66. son --Dennis
67. his wife -- Teresa
68. granddaughter-- Steph
69. her husband --Matt
70. granddaughter -- Allie
71. her husband--Joe
72. daughter --Deb
73. her husband -- Phil
74. grandson--Drew
75. other grandson-- Nolan
76. brother--John
77. other brother-- Sam
78. sister--Mary
79. a happy home
80. a house we enjoy together
81. time with my husband
82. happy marriage
83. children's Christian families
84. good friends' hug
85. on-line friends
86. hymns
87. joy in my heart
88. encouragement
89. missionaries
90. solid Bible preaching
91. Maine coast
92. spring water
93. woodstove on a chilly evening
94. Carter
95. dimples
96. digital camera
97. teaching Sunday School
98. Bible in my language
99. a voice to sing
100. communion with my church family
101. pastor who teaches the truth
102. backyard birds
103. Hearing.
104. Sight.
105. Homemade quilts.
106. Classical music.
107. My computer
108. Air conditioning
109. 17 books for my son for $4.25
110. Texting
111. ACFW
112. An auto mechanic friend
113. Cat - Emmy, for 11 yrs.
114.a/the day of grace
115. Christ's death, burial, and resurrection
116. Tilman
117. Shannon
118. Nick
119. Jackson
120. Ella
121. Shane
122. Jennyfer
123. Sherah
124. coffee
125. home comforts
126. music (stirs the soul) ;)
127. electronics (makes miles shorter)
128. peepers on a spring evening
129. a train whistle
130. fuzzy socks
131. songs in my head all the time
132. words
133. a friend's hugs
134. taking a walk
135. early morning quiet
136. line-dried sheets
137. washing machine
138. freshly mowed grass
139. steeples
140. cell phones
141. a front porch
142. my car didn't die
143. birds
144. the garbage truck
145. school out in four days
146. a goofy cat
147. strength when I think I can't go on!
148. grandchild
149. Old friends
150. men and women serving our country
151. strength to walk
152. the beauty God has provided
153. Terry
154. Jennifer
155. Jessica
156. Andrew
157. butterflies
158. lightning bugs
159. sunny days
160. hanging out clothes
161. mowing the lawn
162. babies' laughter
163. babbling brooks to wade in
164. a great sister-in-law
165. lady slippers
166. ferns
167. gummy bears
168. Snickers bar
169. bowtie Dunkin Donuts
170. french vanilla cappuccino
171. friend - Mary Fox
172. morning walks
173. pine cones (they float!)
174. Dollar Tree store
175. GoodWill store
176. Texas Roadhouse
177. Dinner with Randy
178. answers to prayer
179. Tootsie Pops
180. texting with Abel
181. Patricia walking
182. relationships restored
183. children taught of the Lord
184. God's peace
185. God's faithfulness
186. share God's goodness on FB
187. hope of heaven
188. Psalm 1
189. wonderful parents
190. comforting dreams
191. healed relationships
192. God's teaching
193. books
194. each day being a new page to fill
195. Being one of God's children
196. birds singing at 4AM
197. little breezes that keep us cool
198. that I can pray at any time and any place
199. neighbors that don't us to go away
200. sleeping toddlers
201. electricity
202. laptop
203. cell phone
204. brilliant thunderstorms
205. God's power
206. Doug
207. Kelly
208. Becca
209. Emily
210. Zachary
211. eyes to see
212. ears to hear
213. taste
214. touch
215. smell
216. country
217. good neighbors
218. forgiveness
219. salvation
220. take-home boxes
221. Dad-Paul
222. Mom-Mary
223. older brother, Floyd
224. his wife Renee
225. Floyd III
226. Rebekah
227. Rachel
228. Jesse
229. Floyd III's wife Brittney
230. Isaiah
231. Logan
232. brother Stan
233. Lori, whom I will hug in Glory
234. Phil
235. Tori
236. Emily
237. Katie
238. Michael, my husband of 24 years
239. Sarah
240. Stephanie
241. Mike Jr.
242. Benjamin
243. Sarah's fiancee Jon
244. Stephanie's husband, Andrew
245. Manny
246. Isabelle
247. dear friend Kathryn
248. men who take Ben hunting/fishing
249. Gerry
250. Sean
251. Don
252. Gary
253. internet
254. the router
255. Love of my family
256. God's unending strength
257. God knows our needs before we do
258. When we hurt, God walks with us.
259. natural sights on my walks
260. five children
261. caring husband
262. kindnesses in a strange land
263. evening mist
264. High BP - found Katelyn's growth problem
265. sister-took me to gospel preaching church
266. married love
267. commitment
268. dragonflies
269. hummingbirds
270. Christian music
271. kittens
272. Dodge Challengers
273. Dodge Rams
274. working vehicles
275. ninjas - the motorcycle
276. plant near the barn is NOt marijuana
279. kindred-spirit students
280. Grace Blake Godwin
281. Amanda Burnett Grizzaffi
282. Sara Triana Mitchell
283. Natalie Pleimann
284. Michael
285. Nicholas
286. Zachary
287. Lucas
288. Drew
289. Alex
290. Caleb
291. Harold
292. Ayden
293. Jason
294. Joshua
295. Daniel
296. Erica
297. Elisabeth
298. Ellette
299. lupines
300. motorcycle ride with my husband

What a WONDERFUL idea, Vonnie.
Here are a few:
1. Andrew
2. Annika
3. Marc
4. Cross Creek Charter Academy
5. Jewely sisters
6. Writing
7. God's Word
How's that for a start??
Thanks, JO!
1. God
2. Jewely sisters.
3. My family.
4. Flowers.
5. Health.
6. Car.
7. Trees.
8. Freedom.
9. Salvation.
10. Church
11. Laptop
That was Sunny.
Loving God sons and daughter in laws
Wonderful home church to go to when we get to Maine
wonderful friends like Yvonne and family
the most wonderful husband ever
My private bathroom
the quiet of the nightime hours
earthworms that enrich our soil
my children
my grandchildren
good doctors
good friends
four seasons
the talents God gave to me
warmth in winter
coolness in summer
childrens laughter
Oh thank you! Thank you! What a great start!
Be sure to make your "gratefuls" specific. Use names and certain types of things.
Rose Collins:
Well, I could probably come up with a thousand on my own
I am thankful for family: biological and spiritual family near and far, including daughters, DBU, and East Creek neighbors.
I am thankful for my townhouse and my car.
I am thankful for the Lord's peace and protection.
I Praise God for His continnued presence and healing as He used our family doctor and my loving, caring and "very attentive" husband to heal me of a recent bout with pneumonia.. Without both of them, I could not have made it through this rough time. I am almost back to normal now.
Rejoicing Always, LauraAnne
blueberry coffee
chocolate cake
son and wife--Dennis and Teresa
granddaughter&husband-- Steph &Matt
granddaughter &husband-- Allie &Joe
Daugher and husband--Deb and Phil
Grandsons--Drew and Nolan
siblings--John, Mary, Sam
a happy home
a house we enjoy living in together
time with my husband
happy marriage
Children's Christian families
good friends I can hug
on-line friends that I love
joy in my heart
health for today
Solid Bible preaching Pastors.
songs in my head all the time
a friend's hugs
Soooo soooo many things to be thankful for!!! A few:
A husband who loves me and his family.
Sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren.
A pastor who has a heart for God and preaches the truth.
The beautiful birds in my backyard.
Homemade quilts.
Classical music.
And now for some more :)
My computer
Air conditioning
17 books for my son for $4.25
Having an auto mechanic friend
I am grateful for my kitty cat Esmeralda Sousan (affectionately known as Emmy. She has been my faithful and loving companion for 10-1/2 years now.
1. a/the day of grace
2. a Sunday to remember Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection
3. Tilman, Shannon, Nick, Jackson, Ella, Shane, Jennyfer, and Sherah
4. coffee
5. home comforts
6. music (stirs the soul) ;)
7. electronics that make the miles shorter between family
Taking a walk.
Early morning quiet.
a front porch
my car didn't die
the garbage truck
school out in four days
a goofy cat
For strength when I think I acan't go on!
The best husband
sons and daughter in laws
Old friends like you!
Our men and women serving our country to protect us.
The strength to walk and enjoy the beauty God has proveded.
Terry, Jennifer, Jessica, Andrew, butterflies, lightning bugs, sunny days so I can hang out clothes and mow the lawn, babies laughter, babbling brooks to wade in and a great sister-in-law like Yvonne
I am grateful for my friend Mary Fox and our morning walks--restarted yesterday after a 3-1/2 year absence.
Iam grateful for book clubs, especially the three to which I belong: Nancy Price's Readers (NPR), KSLS (Kindred Spirit Literary Society), and Book GROVP (Grace, Rose, Olivia, Virginia, and Polly).
eyes to see
ears to hear
good neighbors
*not sure if there are any repeats...you'll have to check me :)
I am thankful for take-home boxes from restaurants--brought home three, maybe four, meals with me this week. This morning I'm enjoying Tuesday morning's leftover breakfast quesadilla and potatoes. (And I have 1/4 quesadilla and a sausage patty for tomorrow morning.)
I'm thankful for my Dad-Paul, and for my Mom-Mary. My older brother, Floyd, and his wife Renee. Their four children, Floyd III, Rebekah, Rachel, and Jesse. I'm also thankful for Floyd III's wife Brittney, and their 2 sons, Isaiah and Logan. I'm thankful for my younger brother Stan & his first wife Lori, whom I will hug in Glory. And the 2 children they birthed, Phil & Tori. Then I'm thankful that God gave my brother another wonderful wife, Emily, and their daughter, Katie. I'm thankful for Michael, my husband of 24 years, who gave me many wonderful things, including the DNA for our 4 wonderful children: Sarah, Stephanie, Mike Jr. & Benjamin. I'm thankful for Sarah's fiancee Jon, Stephanie's husband, Andrew, their (almost) two children, Manny & Isabelle. I'm thankful for a dear friend Kathryn. I'm thankful for the men who have taken Ben in and will take him hunting/fishing: Gerry, Sean, Don, & Gary. I don't know how many that is, but it should increase your numbers significantly! I don't know if anyone already said this: I'm thankful for internet, and also for the router that lets me use the internet anywhere in my house.
So thankful for;
Love of my family
God's unending strength
God knows our needs before we do
When we hurt, God doesn't promise to make it go away but puts his loving hand out and walks with us.
Beautiful natural sights to see on my walks
High Blood Pressure - without it they wouldn't have found Katelyn's growth problem and she wouldn't be here! Diane O'Berry
Oh wow! God works in ways we don't understand. Thanks, Di!
I am grateful for kindred-spirit students who become friends, for example, Grace Blake Godwin, Amanda Burnett Grizzaffi, Sara Triana Mitchell, and Natalie Pleimann. This list is not exhaustive, only exemplary, and these dear friends are listed in order of acquaintance.
I am grateful for the iris and day lilies that I have from my mother. They always remind me of her, making their blooms even more lovely, and the day lilies are going to bloom any day now.
I'm thankful for our Ladies Bible Study, a dear sister in Christ who shows forth God's love even in adversity,the baby house wrens chatting in their nest,and the amazing mocking bird imitating a cardinal and then a phoebe.
Nancy Ouellette
Jerelyn, Jessica, Juliann, Jeffrey, Bryan, Scott, Richard, Daniel, Aaron, Carson, and Landon. Kevin - my wonderful husband. The ability and desire to serve Him. Sunshine, flowers, good weather, trials in our life and knowing Him.
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