Gettting in the NaNo Mood

Next month is NaNoWriMo.
(National Novel Writing Month)

To someone who's not a writer, it sounds crazy.
Who in their right mind would force himself to write 50,000 words in 30 days?

I find it a very good way of attacking a big project. I had already written
A Home for Phoebe...

...and I had the sequel in my head. When I heard about NaNo, I knew what to write.

This is my 3rd year.

In 2008, I wrote the 1st half of
Going Home with Phoebe.

In 2009, I finished the rough draft, making it over 100,000 words,but editing my writing makes it stronger (like condensed milk).

I was hoping to write another book in my Phoebe series, but it was taking too much research to be ready by November. So, instead, I'm going to write about our family's trip across the U.S.,with 8 kids in a 12 passenger van.

We rambled across the South, saw the Grand Canyon and the Redwood Forest,
and made it home in one week.

I rummaged in the attic to find the box of "souveniers" (gas and KOA receipts, photos, and brochures)My mind has been reliving each day: the wonder, the laughs, and all the crazy experiences on our adventure.

I can't wait to start writing it all down!

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