Twenty-six years ago, a child was born, Stephen John Douglas McArthur Hogaboom Blake. (Well, just Stephen John...the rest is just our extended nickname for him.) As the 5th child in a family of 8, and also the 3rd out of 5 sons, Stephen is smack in center of our family...
and center of my heart.
Stephen always was a quiet kid - partly because he had a pacifier (paw-paw) in his mouth for the first few years. He was a thinker, very perceptive. He loved music. He didn't "dance" to it as a young child, but directed it.
He also loved dogs and begged for a puppy from the time he could talk. On his tenth birthday, we got a blond cocker spaniel/English setter mix. He named her Corky. She was a great addition to our family, and we still miss her. (but I don't miss the wet fur and fleas)
Anything that had batteries or joystick or graphics attracted Stephen. He'd play Atari or Nintendo or computer games by the hour. I had to start using a timer, and kick him outside, like a cat, every once in awhile. (Now, he's the expert in the family!)
His teen years were filled with basketball, friends, and fun. My favorite memories are of Stephen and Benjamin doing the VBS skits. Who needs scripts? They'd get a general theme and then just ad lib, playing off each other's lines.
Stephen continued his love of music and won
a tri-state competition for male solos,
with "Softly and Tenderly" and "The Auctioneer."
He plays the guitar and mandolin, and now directs music in his church. He works as an engineer for Barr Associates and studying Mechanical Design Technology. He likes Nascar and strategy board games. He's pretty cool!
Stephen, I'm proud of you and love you.
Happy Birthday!

Nice tribute!
I may pay you to write my personal ad. ;)
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