
One of my favorite books is Hinds Feet in High Places by Hannah Hurnard. It's an allegory about a crippled girl named Much Afraid that follows the Shepherd to the High Places.

As Much Afraid follows the guides, Sorrow and Suffering, that the Shepherd has assigned to her, she sees that they are leading her away from the hills and toward an seemingly endless desert.

"Much Afraid sank on her knees, almost overwhelmed. He was leading her away from her heart's desire altogether and gave no promise at all as to when He would bring her back."

She reluctantly obeys, but finds that the Shepherd is not leaving her. He is there-
loving her,
singing to her,
encouraging her.

In the desert, she meets others who have gone before her and learns many lessons. She comes upon a little flower reaching for an occasional drop of water from an old pipe.

"She stopped over the lonely, lovely little face, lifted up so hopefully and so bravely to the feeble drip, and cried out softly, 'What is your name, flower, for I never saw one like you before?'

"The tiny plant answered at once in a tone as golden as itself,
'Behold me!
I am Acceptance-With-Joy.'"

I want to be like that little flower. I want bravely grow, even in the dry times. I want to bloom with the drop of blessing that I find.

Linda Hogeland wrote a poem that was like drops of water on me today. Perhaps it will refresh you, too.

Draw Near to God

1 comment:

Linda said...

Dear Yvonne I enjoyed "Acceptance-With-Joy"...

You share such beauty with us. You are so good at encouraging others. And I so much enjoy your writings.

Thanks so much for including a link to my poem "Draw Near To God". I just now saw that you did that, as we were out of town for our Aunt's funeral.

Thanks again for the award. You are too kind. I am passing it along.

Love, Linda


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