Lost Treasure
(Luke 15:1-10)
Jesus told stories to teach people about God. Many people crowded around Jesus to listen to the stories. Some people, the Pharisees, didn't like that Jesus sat and ate and spent time with sinners. But Jesus loves everyone. He hates the sin, but He loves the sinners.
One story Jesus told was about a lost sheep. A shepherd had one hundred sheep. Each day, the shepherd brought the sheep to the grassy hills to eat grass and by the cool waters to drink. He took very good care of them. At night, when the shepherd brought his sheep back to the sheepfold, he counted each one.
One night, as the shepherd counted his sheep, he realized that one was missing. He only had ninety-nine sheep. One sheep did not obey. It did not follow the shepherd back to the fold. The shepherd knew that he must go find the one lost sheep. He loved each sheep - just like God loves each one of us.
The shepherd walked up and down through the rough paths, calling and calling the sheep. Finally he heard a faint "Baaaaa" and hurried to find his lost sheep. He didn't scold the sheep, but lovingly carried it home on his shoulders. The shepherd called to all his neighbors, "Look! I have found my sheep that was lost!"
Jesus told another story that had the same meaning. A woman lost a gold coin. She could not find it anywhere. She swept the floor and brought a lamp to help her look in all the corners. Finally, she found the coin that she lost. She was so happy that she told all her friends and neighbors that she had found the coin that was lost.
Jesus loves us. He is sad when people don't obey and go away from Him like the lost sheep. He calls and calls them. Jesus said that there is rejoicing in heaven over every lost sinner that is found.
MEMORY VERSE: Luke 19:10
"For the Son of Man is come
to seek and to save
that which was lost."

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