VBS Stories - Eternal Treasure

Please pray for our daycamp ministry at Lighthouse Bible Church this week. I am teaching the 4-5 yr. olds. This is the story for DAY FIVE. Please be praying also for our Closing Program this evening.

Eternal Treasure
(Matthew 6:33)

Jesus told the story of a farmer.

This farmer had a huge farm. One year his crops grew very well, and he had a good harvest. All his barns were full of grain. The farmer was proud of himself. He thought that if he sold all his grain that it would make him rich. He decided to tear down his barns and build bigger ones, and that's what he did.

The rich farmer was very pleased with himself. He was thinking of his money and himself. He was not thinking about God. That night the farmer died. All the grain in his barns did not do him any good. All his riches did not help him get to heaven.

Jesus pointed to the lilies of the field and the sparrows. He said, "They do not work or worry about their clothes, but God feeds them and clothes them. If God does that for the flowers and birds, wouldn't He take care of you?"

MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 6:33
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God."

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