What does your family do at Easter?
As a child, we always dyed hard-boiled eggs. It was a messy activity, but we enjoyed it. We didn't have the pre-packaged kits. We used hot water, a tsp. of vinegar, and drops of food coloring. We'd color a design on the white eggs with crayons, then lower them with a spoon into the dye. By the time we were done, our fingers were stained as much as the eggs. My mother would hide them on Easter morning, and we'd eat them for breakfast. Some of the dye seeped into the egg white, and I was positive they tasted better than ordinary boiled eggs.

I continued the tradition with my children, but some years I also hid jelly beans around. Weeks and months later, we might find a forgotten jellybean behind a flower pot or in the bookshelf. I found a recipe for Resurrection Cookies that I wish I had when my kids were little. It gives a visual that they won't forget. I also have a plant that looks like a dried ball of dead grass until you place it in water and it comes back to life.
Easter is the time to pack away the winter things and get out the summery clothes. Everyone gets a new outfit for Easter Sunday. The boys wear suits and ties, and the girls might have hats to wear with their new dresses.
We go to the Sunrise Service. We used to meet down near the shore, but in Maine, it was more apt to be sleeting or raining than sunny, so we moved it indoors. While we are singing "In the Garden", we can smell the bacon and coffee for the breakfast being cooked. It's a fun time together, with everyone slightly still asleep, but excited about the day.

The church is decorated with lilies and spring flowers. People greet each other with smiles and hugs. The air is filled with laughter and a joyful atmosphere. There are visitors that we may only see once or twice a year, and strangers who feel the need to be in church on this day. Whatever their reason, it's great to have them worshiping with us.
The pastor greets us with "He is risen", and we answer with "He is risen, indeed!" We read the Scriptures of Christ's victory over death. The choir sings a song of rejoicing. "Christ the Lord is ris'n today...Allelulia!" Our hearts are bursting with gratefulness and awe as the pastor explains the wondrous plan of our God. We end the service with the triumphant song "Up from the grave He arose...!"
Is Christ the center of our Easter celebrations?
May we keep the wonder of God's life in our hearts the whole year round!

Precious memories, indeed! Brought back memories of my own. I am thankful for my mom, the memories include going to church and learning about Jesus. Hugs, Rita
Great memories, Vonnie! I did the Resurrection Cookies with Joseph one year. It was wonderful. We loved that lesson.
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