On Saturday, Marie Brunk, a missionary to South Africa, spoke at our ladies' breakfast. I hope you find it as helpful as I did.
Managing Our Life
Most people say that they need to manage their time, but as Christians we can think of it as learning to manage our life. We can't change our past, but we can control our attitudes and decision of the present, which will affect our future.
Each person wears a variety of roles; Child of God, wife, mother, teacher, employee, sister, friend, etc. God gave us each of our roles. God made us as we are for His glory. We need to accept our life as a gift from God.
In Matthew 25: 14-26, Jesus tells the parable of the servants that were given "talents", which were probably some amount of money, but we can think of them as things God has given us. He has given us our body, our mind, our health, our circumstances, our roles, etc. We need to use whatever He has given us, no matter if it is little or much. If we do, He will reward us the same, with the words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."
We don't always have "vanilla days." Our life changes constantly. Our roles change through the years. Make a list of your roles, and ask yourself, "At the end of my life, what will God or my family say about how I used my life? Will they say I was punctual or kind or lazy or bitter?" We have a choice on how I use my life.
We should say like Joshua, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." There are things we have direct control over: our personal habits, our attitudes, our words, etc. There are things we have indirect control over: our children, our students, our friends, our neighbors, etc. There are also things that are out of our control: illness, disasters, etc. In those times, we need to submit and rest in God's control.
Each week, perhaps on Sunday-the first day of the week, use a planner. After filling in pre-scheduled appointments and meetings, think of your roles. Select goals to strengthen important roles. Spend time with your husband and children. Call a friend or visit a neighbor. Be flexible to allow God to work in your life. Recognize priorities in your decisions and actions. Our goals shouldn't be to do things that only make US happy. Our time, our life doesn't belong to us.
I Corinthians 6:19-20 " What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which ye have of God and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."
God has given us our life and our time. Are you using it for Him?

Life is ever changing! I love the abundant wisdom, along with practical applications contained in this devotional. Thanks for sharing it!
Hugs, Rita
Thanks for sharing - good thoughts and helpful advice!
Thank you so much for this uplifting post. It is so true that God has given us all 24 hours in a day...We need to spend more time pursueing Heavenly things instead of earthly things. God bless, Lloyd
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