Flower Quiz

Spring and summer are full of flowers. How many of these do you know?

I will announce the winner on Monday.












Larie Carlice Proverbs 27:19 said...

This is sad, I only know one, and I'm not sure of that one, but #9 is a daisy.


Lydia said...

I hope spelling doesn't count!!
1. Crocuses
2. Violets?
3. Lupins
4. Indian Paintbrush?
5. Queen Ann's Lace
6. Lady's Slipper
7. Lilac! (my favorite!)
8. Forsithea
9. Daisy
10. Bluettes

Edna said...

I hope I can win a book, even if I am wrong here. Here goes
1. Crocesses
2. Violets
3. Poppies
4. Queen Anne
5. Lady's Slipper
5. Licas
6. Forsyrhia
7. Daisy
8. Bluets
you make it hard, LOL

Anonymous said...

1. crocus
2. violets
3. lupine
4. Indian paintbrush
5. Queen Anne's lace
6. ladyslipper
7. lilac (my fave)
8. forsythia
9. daisy
10. bluets

Sunny (now do cookies!)

Yvonne Blake said...


There's been a dispute over #4, so I changed the picture.
(Sorry about that!)

Those that already answered will be excused of #4 on their answers.


Dee Yoder said...

Here are my guesses (emphasis on GUESS):
1. Crocus
2. Violets
3. Lupine
4. Poppy
5. Queen Anne's Lace
6. Jack in the Pulpit
7. Lilac
8. Forsythia
9. Shasta Daisy
10. Columbine (?)

Anna said...

The best part of this, you can look on to the other comments. I wonder how you can hide the other entries. anyway:
1. crocuses
2. violets (i almost said johnny-jump-ups)
3. lupins
4. poppy
5. queen ann's lace
6. lady slipper
7. lilac
8. fortsithia
9. daisy
10. bluettes


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