
Anyone who lives in the northern part of the country knows the exhilarating, adventurous feeling of being snowbound. During the night, while the world was sleeping, the thick wet snow was falling. It wrapped each twig and line. It blended the roads with the fields. It pulled tree branches down, drooping under the heavy weight.

We woke to a silent morning; no hum of the refrigerator, no beep of the alarm clock. The usual little lights on the DVD player and microwave were missing. Occasionally a muffled thump of falling snow gave us a hint of the winter world outside.

The power came on just long enough for my husband to begin his morning bathroom routing, only to have it gone again. I rose to see him digging out the camping gear; the propane lantern and camp stove. We've got to have some coffee! I lit the kerosene hurricane lamp; it's soft glow warms the living room.

As daylight grew, we saw the white world beyond our walls. Snow still flutters in the air, but it is difficult to say whether it's new stuff or off the trees. The birds chirp and fight over the seeds in the feeder. I will have to refill it soon.

I wonder what my day will be like. What should I plan to do? I could work on my nephew's sweater or finish the jigsaw puzzle or read a book. I could write with a pen and pad of paper. Maybe my husband will play a game of Scrabble with me, since the driveway is impassable for awhile. I kind of like being forced back into the simple way of living.

Aha! The lights have come on! The house comes alive with motors and beeps. I can check my email and put a new post on my blog! My husband turns on the TV for the morning news.I can take a shower. Oh, how soon we return to our comfortable routines!

What do you do when the power goes out? How do you fill your time?


Kendra said...

I love snow days, too :) Mainly because they mean my college classes are canceled and I have extra time to study! But I do love the way snow days transport us back to simpler times, if only for a few hours. It's beautiful out today, I'm sure it's lovely down on the coast where you all are!

Dee Yoder said...

Glad the power is back for you, Vonnie! I spend powerless days electric = no heat for us. *shiver* It is kind of fun to live the old way. For an hour only. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I read, or write usually. snow days can be very
pretty. Sunny

Larie Carlice Proverbs 27:19 said...

I complain and get upset because I can't watch t.v. or get on my computer!


Sherri Ward said...

I love being snowbound! Please visit my blog, A Candid Thought - because I have something for you.

Sherri Ward said...

The url is :


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