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Dear Vonnie,
What is a good way to start the new year reading the Bible when my plate is full and I tend to get intimidated reading? I’m afraid after Genesis I’ll give up.
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
The Bible is God's letter to us, to tell us about Himself and His wonderful plan for us. We need to read the Bible to know God and what He is like. Yes, it's great to have it explained to us from the pulpit on Sundays, but we need to be feed more than once a week.
The Holy Spirit can teach us and show us things in God' Word that are just what we need to see. As we read and compare Scriptures, we can see the wondrous way it all is intertwined and all points to Jesus. (A cross reference Bible is a good tool.)
When we read and memorize God's Word, it shows us God's ways and keeps us from sin. How can we know what is right and wrong, if we don't know the Scriptures? We need to see ourselves and the world the way God sees it.
A daily devotional is a good way to keep you motivated to read each day. I have one that is also a journal, where I can write my own thoughts or prayer. Some have a program that help you read through the Bible in a year. It is good see how God unfolded His redemptive plan to us, but just reading for the sake of saying you read through the Bible doesn't accomplish more than that.
Before you open your Bible, bow your head and ask the Lord to give you wisdom as you read and that He would teach you something new about Himself. Read it with the anticipation of finding a treasure, given to you from the Lord, even if it is only a phrase or word that jumps out with extra meaning. Verses and stories that you have known for years sometimes seem completely new as God reveals new truths to us.
If you are involved in a weekly Bible Study, you could review last week's lesson and prepare for the next one. Teaching a Sunday School class or Bible club is an excellent way to get into God's Word. Often the Lord teaches you more than you ever teach. Also, I find that a child's question leads me to learn more.
"Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee."
Memorizing Scripture is way to learn the Bible. You could learn a Psalm (adding one verse at a time), or find a list of verses that compile them by catergory. Once I chose a key verse from each chapter of Proverbs to learn. Read the new verse daily, post it in a prominate place, write it down, and recite it to someone. Whatever way works best for you, review them occassionally and think about them throughout your day.
May we like David say,
1 comment:
Great answer, as always. Thanks Vonnie!
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