First Day of NaNoWriMo

For the next month, I've challenged myself to write 50,000 words. I've joined a group called NaNoWriMo. (National Novel Writing Month)

It will be like a marathon of writing...not stopping to edit and arrange my writing...just going, going, going... to reach my goal.

I won't be doing my regular scheduled posts. Some days I might put something up, some days I won't, but I will still send out the Morning Song each day.

Watch the NaNo calendar on the side to see how many words I've written each day. My aim is to write an average of 2,000/day...hope I can do it, and not have to stay up all night during the last week.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to miss your regular posts, but I understand. On to 50,000!! Sunny

Laury said...

What an exciting month this will be! We will cheer each other on for sure. You can do it. You've done it once. You can do it again. Go Vonnie Go!

Anonymous said...

You can do it! :)



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