Friday Fiction - "Little Faith"

John Bunyan 's birthday was this week, November 28. I grew up hearing the story of Pilgrim's Progress, and over the years, I've read a variety of versions of the story. I love allegories. I like reading them and writing them. Here is one I wrote recently for the Faithwriter Challenge.



Once upon a winding road, Little Faith meandered with bare toes and simple dress — content with whatever life gave her. Her freckled face was serious, yet pleasant, but her eyes were often gazing far away. Little Faith had heard of a beautiful land with no more tears nor pains nor terrors of the darkness

As she drank from the icy spring, she found a message tucked between the stones.

Alone you are lost,
Guilty, and weak.
Together you'll find
The blest life you seek.

Signed, The King

An odd message, she thought. How does the King know I am lost? Together? Are there others seeking this blest life, too?

Crossing an inlet of rushing waters, Little Faith paused and cocked her ear to the wind, for she thought she heard crying. She saw a boy crouched below the bridge in the murky black slime.

"I say, Boy! Are you hurt?" Little Faith scampered down the riverbank.

The boy paused from splashing water on his filthy skin. "Not now, but I was trapped. I thought I would die, and rightly so, for I had wandered where I didn't belong. The tide rose deeper and deeper, and I surely would have perished, but the King himself pulled me from the dark water."

"The King was here? I'm looking for the King's Land, but I don't know how to get there."

The boy pulled a small parchment from his pocket. "The King changed my name to Merciful and gave me this message, but I don't understand it." He gave the scroll to Little Faith and continued washing.

One thread of hope
One of forgiveness
One more of love
Woven is blessedness.

Signed, The King

"I have one, too." She retrieved it from her pouch and placed them side by side. "Maybe we'll understand them in the King's Land. Come with me. Maybe we can find it together."

So Little Faith and Merciful traveled on. They talked of their homes and earlier times. They discussed right from wrong. When the pathway dipped into the shadows of the valley, Little Faith kept their fears at bay by singing songs of hope.

"Merciful, some think I'm silly to believe in the King's Land, but I know it's there. I just don't know if He'll allow me to enter once I get there."

"I'm sure He'll welcome you if you repent of your wickedness, for He is a holy King."

I'm not wicked, thought Little Faith. I've tried to be kind and good. But suddenly she saw the ugliness of her pride and selfishness. "Oh Merciful! I never saw how horrid I've been. I don't want the King to turn me away because of my sinful heart."

"Then tell Him you're sorry. Ask for mercy, as I did."

Kneeling beside the road, Little Faith bowed her head and heart. She learned the joy of forgiveness. Lifting her face with a smile, she bubbled with renewed hope. "Let's hurry on our way!"

As the two travelers continued, the way became rougher. The trees grew so close they could hardly see the path. They trudged and struggled up the loose gravel.

Merciful slipped and scraped his knees. "Oh, I don't think I can go any more."

"It can't be much farther." But even Little Faith felt faint. Her legs ached and her breath rasped with thirst. As the sky dimmed, the weary travelers collapsed beside the way on a bed of leaves.

"Wake up! Don't stop."

Little Faith's eyes flickered open. A small child sat beside her, shaking her arm. The child's touch made her skin tingle with energy. Little Faith sat up. "Who are you?"

"I am Grace. I have been sent to help you." Her voice was like a kitten's purr.

"But you're just a little child."

"I was once weak like you, but the King gave me His strength."

Merciful joined them. "You've seen the King?"

Grace gave a script to Little Faith. "This will encourage you."

With heavenly vision,
Peace, and endurance,
Anything's possible,
Tis the King's assurance.

Signed, The King

Little Faith looked up. "I think I understand. I was alone and lost. Merciful needed forgiveness and peace. Grace, you have brought us the King's strength and power. Together we have His blessing."

She pulled Merciful to his feet. "It can't be far now." Grace danced around, guiding and urging them on. Reaching the peak, they gazed toward the horizon. Little Faith bounced with joy. "I see it! I see the King's Land."

Up to My Ears

I've got unfinished projects up to my ears. I'm in the Christmas spirit, and my house is a mess. . .

but I want to get back into the routine of posting something each day on my blog.

I'll get back into the groove eventually. Right now, you'll have to be satisfied with this - enough to show that I'm alive and kicking and doing okay.

(Maybe I should make a list.)

Knit Christmas gifts
Find decorations
Edit book
Change blog decor
Clean house
Send out cards

If I spend too much time making a list, I won't get much else done.

Thanks for being faithful in your prayers and support.

Wiggles the Polliwog Visits the Ancient World

 Wiggles the Polliwog is back from his two month rest
with a poem about the Ancient World.

Being Grateful

This morning, but I'm feeling very grateful. I look around me, and I see that God showers His love and blessings on me each day - no matter if I thank Him or not.

Sometimes, I don't feel "happy" - I'm not dancing around with Charlie Brown and Snoopy, instead I have a calm feeling of comfort and contentment. I have a joy that my God loves me and is taking good care of me. I can keep going and know that He will help me through whatever I may face this day.

Lord Jesus, thank you for being always there, for loving me and giving me what You know is best for me. Thank you for inner peace and strength. Amen

A Day of Love

A Time of Remembering

A Time of Honoring

(click to enlarge)A Time of Loving

(Email me for a recording of the service.)


Although I know my mother is in Heaven with the Lord and not hurting anymore, there is still my pain and grief. I am finding many ways of that hurt to heal -


God is good to me.

Eternal Birth

My mother and I often talked about death being like being born - when our spirits will be born into eternal life. My mother said this was one of her favorite stories that I had written. I hope it blesses you, too


Kelita flutters next to Shimron, the watcher, sitting on the city’s wall and peering through a golden scope. She strains to see what Shimron might be looking at, but can see nothing but blue oceans and green lands.

“Is it time yet?” Kelita asks.

“No, but it will be soon. The pains are stronger as she approaches the passing into eternal birth. Men call it death, but there is no death for the Preborns, the ones with the gift of life.”

“Pains? What are those?”

“Very uncomfortable irritations of their nervous system... It’s hard for me to observe it, but there is often pain before eternal birth.”

“Is it always that way?” Her forehead puckers in puzzlement and concern. Poor Kelita… She seems to have so much trouble understanding the things about man.

“No, sometimes, it happens very quickly, and there is no pain.”

“But, why would the Father….”

“No! You shouldn’t question the Father’s ways. He has His plans and reasons.”

Kelita squirms and fidgets. “Shimron, how long does it take for the Father’s children to be born? How long are they Preborns? I mean… after they get the gift of life?”

Shimron smiles to himself. He remembers asking the same questions ages ago, when he was first learning about men. “Each Preborn is different. There are not many who come home immediately after they receive the gift of life. Most must grow and develop characteristics like the Father. They also produce fruit, so that others will know of the life,too. This one has been a Preborn for over eighty earth years.”

“Isn’t it dangerous for them in the evil world?”

“Not really. They sometimes feel that they are in danger, but the Father is watching and caring for them. They also have the protection and care of other older, mature Preborns. The power of evil is strong in the world, but they shouldn’t be afraid; because the Father has given them all they need to withstand any of its attacks.”

“May I look through the scope?”

“I suppose, but not for long. I need to keep watching for the passing.” Shimron turns the scope and adjusts the focus. “Here’s something interesting. It’s a group of Preborns worshiping the Father.”

Kelita scrunches up her face and peers into the lens. “What are they singing? What do the words ‘sin’ and ‘redeemed’ mean? Who is the Lamb?”

“I’m not sure, but as far as I can tell, it has to do with the Son of the Father rescuing them from the Evil One and giving them the gift of life.”

Shimron squints into the scope again and turns it toward the birthing, “It won’t be long now! It’s so exciting to have a new child in the city.”

“Have you seen the new room?” Kelita giggles. “I peeked at it. I like the sparkly jewels in the ceiling. They look like stars.”

“Yes, isn’t it beautiful? The Father designs each one specifically for the new arrival .”

“Is this one a boy or girl?”

“A girl… She’s so beautiful!” smiles Shimron.

Kelita giggles again. “They are all beautiful; they look like the Father!”

Shimron peeks into the scope. “It’s time, time for the delivery!”

He clangs a string of silver bells, which alerts the gatekeepers. A crowd of greeters gather close to welcome the new arrival. The pearly doors swing wide and a gasp of awe ripples among the group. With excited rejoicing and singing, they follow the shining white robes of the deliverer until they all reach the feet of their Father.

Rejoice! A child of the King is home!

Gone is the time of suffering and sorrows;

Gone are the yesterdays, only tomorrows.

Forgotten fears, forgotten strife;

Eternal years, eternal life.

Rejoice! A child of the King is home!

A hushed silence pervades the iridescent arches. The multitude waits and watches as the newborn is placed in His strong, but gentle, hands. The Father’s eyes mist, as He looks down at His daughter. He holds her close, as a Shepherd cradling a lamb, and sings a quiet melody just for her.

Looking at her face, He says, “I name you, Michri, my Precious. I give to you eternal life, and you shall never perish. Neither will you know pain, nor sorrows, anymore. You will dwell with Me, and I will dwell with you forever.”


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