Tickles My Tonsils


                                                      Oh great! 
Here it comes

In the back of my throat, 
The tiny prickle
That wiggles
And wriggles
And tickles 
My tonsils. 

Sip a drink

Of something pink.

Oh no!

Higher climbs
In the depths of my nose,
Some tiny itch
That rushes
And brushes
And twitches
My nostrils. 

Give a snuff . . .

It’s not enough.

Oh my!

Hold it tight,
At the edge of my eyes,
The tiny lashes,
That wink 
And blink
And splash
My glasses.

Squeeze tight,

All your might.

Oh dear!

Once it starts
In the drums of my ears
The tiny sneeze
That fizzles
And twizzles
And wheezes
My cochleas. 

Stop that squirm,

You lousy germ!

Oh rats!

An explosion will
In the strength of its might
A growing blast
With . . . eek
And . . . ooh
And . . . ah
. . .

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