Gentle Father

Have you ever argued with God?

Have you ever known He had a job for you, 
but you didn't want to do it?

Have you tried to ignore His voice?

I knew I should call a friend. I knew my recent experience could help her, but I didn't want to trigger the painful emotions that I was sure would come back. I didn't want to call her on the phone.

"Lord, I can't do this."

"She needs you."

"But I don't want to. The memories hurt."

"I know, but that hurt can help her."

"Oh....I don't want to. Can't someone else talk to her?" 

"I want you to talk to her."

I couldn't make myself pick up the phone. I knew I should. I also knew this pressure to obey His voice would not be lifted until I did....yet I did nothing. I just couldn't do it.

BRRRRRRRRING! I picked up the phone. It was her, the one God wanted me to call.

"God, did you call her?
Did you tell her to call me?"

"You wouldn't do it, so I had to do it for you." 

Once I listened to my friend, once I shared my experience with her, once I let God love her through me, it wasn't so bad. Even the memories weren't as painful as I thought they might be.

"Lord, thank you for doing that.
I'm sorry that I didn't do it myself." 

"Trust me, my child.
I will give you the strength to do the impossible."

With happy tears, I went about my day. My heart felt lighter because I had finally obeyed. I had done what He wanted me to do. The next time God ask me to do something, I hope I remember to trust Him and not be such a stubborn child.

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