In celebration of my blog hitting 1000 posts on July 4th, I am inviting you to join me in counting A THOUSAND GRATEFULS this month. To reach that number, we need to look beyond the ordinary and see the little things that God gives to us each day.
If we reach 1000 gratefuls by July 4th, I will send a Maine postcard to any that participate. (Be sure your name is included in your list of gratefuls. You may enter as many times as you wish.)
If we reach 1000 gratefuls by July 4th, I will send a Maine postcard to any that participate. (Be sure your name is included in your list of gratefuls. You may enter as many times as you wish.)
We have reached 2/3 of the way to 1000. I needed to make a new post!I am enjoying looking for new things to be grateful for each day.
601. buying a new dress at Mardens
602. shrimp and scallop linguini dinner
603. dropping gas prices
604. twilight
605. pink sky
606. fluffy fur
607. a kitten that uses the litter box
608. weeping willow tree
609. fields of buttercups
610. warm fleece bathrobe
611. Annika going to the big zoo with friends today
612. my prayer group
613. more editing work
614. bagels with cream cheese
615. art camp for the kids next week
616. Puffs Plus tissues
617. Tylenol
618 ginger ale
619. freshly painted white road lines
620. family gathering
621. hugs and kisses
622. cocker spaniels
623. help with the dishes
624. suspenders (makes me smile)
625. ice cubes
626. kitty purrs
627. morning fog
628. yardsales
629. chocolate covered strawberries
630. bacon
631. taking walks with my Daddy
632. listening to Daddy telling me a story
633. learning silly songs
634. taking a different way home
635. making rice/gr.beans/cheddarcheese
636. memorizing verse with my Daddy
637. learning to row a boat
638. learning to ride a bike
639. playing chess with my Daddy
640. building things with wood
641. going to the dump/trash barn
642. Daddy teaching me to listen to God
643. playing the recorder
644. eating crackers w/pb and mayonaise
645. hearing him tell "The Green Goblin"
646. making things with paper
647. using the Morse code
648. handcrafted model airplanes
649. milking a goat
650. "The Raggedy Man" poem
651. Evelyn Bryant
652. learning new words
653. daily prayers
654. VERNA dad's unconditional love
655. taught me Jesus love me
656. He made me feel special
657. He was kind and patient
658. taught me of loving people,
659. loving to read,
660. loving to write poetry
661. He gave me good advice
662. He understood me when no one else did
663. He was proud of me
664. He taught me how to drive
665. He made me laugh
666. He had a million hugs
667. he sang with me and to me
668. He loved my husband and children.
669. a new day
670. a new week
671. fuzzy slippers
672. a new kitchen door
673. morning light through the leaves
674. morning bird songs
675. jobs for my family
676. a husband who is always there and does all I can't.
677. My husband's great love for the Lord.
678. The poetry of a dear lady who went home Sat.
679. The wisdom and friendship of Evelyn Bryant.
670. Facebook so I can share with friends
671, God's unending love and wisdom.
672. the lovely sunshine
673. good breeze to dry the washing
674. my garden vegetables
675. yesterday's rain
676. my many friends on Face Book
677. Nancy Ouellette
678. Lynnda Harriman Sawtelle
679. Mr. and Mrs. Jaworski
680. Canaan Christian School
681. deep sleep
682. old hymns
683. Jerelyn
684. Jessica
685. Juliann
686. Jeffrey
687. Bryan
688. Scott
689. Richard
690. Daniel
691. Aaron
692. Carson
693. Landon
694. Kevin - my wonderful husband
695. the ability and desire to serve Him
696. Sunshine
697. flowers
698. good weather
699. trials in our life
700. knowing Him.
701. for Daniel doing "home improvement" at our house
702. a new sidewalk from the driveway up to our front door
703. other work (painting, etc.) outside of the house.
705. Tracy: the world's best traveling companion in this life
706. Landis: a healthy, smart, emotionally-savvy son
707. creative work
708. beauty
709. variety, diversity
710. Computers and the internet
711. modern technology that allows me to live wherever I want
712. comforting hugs
713. new friend via the love of Evelyn
714. timers (to help train toddlers)
715. long summer days
716. the character that the Lord has developed and is developing in me even though the development process can be quite painful at times.
717. breakfast out with my sweetie
718. family together
719. good sermons
720. hymns
721. worship as a family
722. "He Knows My Name"
723. great piano music
724. trips to the beach in the fall
725. an interesting book
726. scrabble games
727. conversation with a friend
728. good memories
729. Faithwriters challenges
730. inspiration to write
731. creamy fudge
732. holding a baby
733. encouragement from the Word
734. sunrise
735. sunset
736. God's omnipotence
737. Christmas
738. Thanksgiving
739. good surprises
740. faith when the way seems dark
741. relief from pain
742. that God is right beside me
743. the Lord already has a plan in place
744. Son #2 and wife visiting
745. Memories of a friend who went home
746. Facebook friends
748, I can keep in touch with people I so miss.
749. having the Lord in my life and heart
750. sleeping toddler
751. pregnancy will not last forever :)
752. for God's faithfulness working in my life
753. for my family and friends :)
754. croaking bullfrogs
755. purple violets
756. yellow buttercups
757. fields of lupine
758. wind chimes
759. clean kitchen floor
760. answering machines
761. having a trip to pack for
762. Potter books to read
763. popcorn to eat
764. pflicks to watch
765. silly kitten antics
766. getting the FW dates wrong
767. finding that I had the wrong hotel
768. getting our refund
769. finding the correct hotel
770. new reservations
771. Jeremy
772. Malachi
773. Molly
774. Mariana
775. Skowhegan Press that keeps us employed
776. Trinity Baptist Church
777. for their perseverance in the Lord
778. My Jasmine(goat)
779. her wonderful milk for cheeses
780. Moms who share hobbies with their daughters
781. Shelves of canned produce from summers past.
782. Raspberry sorbet with hot fudge.
783. Book series
784. a sister that took me to a Bible preaching church
785. a Mother who always had a good breakfast on the table
786. a dad that shined my shoes
787. a productive doctor’s visit yesterday for Brian
788. his pain level is down
789. there haven’t been any bumps to the foot
790. the surgeon won’t need to see him for three weeks
791. He didn’t need to x-ray it yesterday
792. Praise the Lord for answered prayer!!
793. Thank God for safety on the road.
794. for children saved at VBS just this week
795. Not having to pay mortgage payments anymore!
796. Two working laptops.
797. Housesitting jobs.
798. Deck railings that don't need painting.
799. New babies.
800. Weddings.
801. umbrellas
802. little boys sloshing through puddles
803. little girl giggles
804. young parents getting a break
805. old fashioned merry-go-rounds
806. strollers
807. hot coffee
808. convenient bathrooms
809. train rides
810. ducklings
811. my favorite meal: breakfast!
812. God's will: open doors
813. God's will: closed doors
814. a friend's quick hand squeeze
815. great week of vbs
816. willing hands to clean up after vbs
817. being creative
818. my craft room
819. encouragement
820. 821. thank you's
822. eternal hope
823. a fixed car
824. phone calls from my husband
825. for romaine lettuce
826. imitation krab
827. Ken's Steakhouse raspberry-pecan vinaigrette
828. my favorite summer salad
829. a little avocado added makes me even more grateful
830. my own bed
831. rain stopping while traveling home
832. fun wedding shower
833. great smoked meat (beef, chicken, lamb)
834. frozen hot chocolate at Dunkin Donuts
835. young couple in love
836. my own bed
837. church family
838. purring kitten
839. comfy fuzzy socks
840. home
841. playing the piano at nursing home
842. helping resident find place in the Bible
843. new view of familiar Bible story
844. creamsicles
845. Carter singing in church
846. hugs from nursing home residents
847. having coffee with my husband in the morning
848. morning bird songs
849. sunshine
850. electricity
851. for empty plastic ice cream buckets
852. old-fashioned cherry pitter
853. washing machine
854. vacuum cleaner
855. for the life
856. for the health God has given me today
857. a wonderful Christian family
858. for my church
859. instant hot water
860. photos of family
861. my cute little Acer netbook, Pacer
862. his wireless mouse, Blue Boy
863. C. S. Lewis's life and works
864. Carter going pee 3 times on the potty
865. able to work on my VBS story
866. able to tutor this summer
867. walking about a mile 4 days a week
868. somedays I make it further than others
869. His plan He has for me.
870. for the flowers and bushes along the way
871. people to care for my mother in law
872. while I have surgery, I can rest in the Lord
873. wildlife just lying in the back yard
874. God's might and power in a thunderstorm
875. the rainbow through the raindrops
876. smiles through tears
878. the piney smell of maine
879. the salty smell of the ocean
880. the birds singing
881. an easy route to virginia
882. water to drink
883. a filled well
884. photos
885. God's protection
886. my dear husband Stephen
887. daughters- Stephanie
888. Rebecca
889. Margaret
890. Sons-in-law David
891. Jeremy
892. Al
893. Grandchildren Hannah
894. Jacob
895. bubble gum medicine
896. funny wild kitten
897. good tutoring session
898. Carter better today
899. clean sheets
900. croaking frogs
601. buying a new dress at Mardens
602. shrimp and scallop linguini dinner
603. dropping gas prices
604. twilight
605. pink sky
606. fluffy fur
607. a kitten that uses the litter box
608. weeping willow tree
609. fields of buttercups
610. warm fleece bathrobe
611. Annika going to the big zoo with friends today
612. my prayer group
613. more editing work
614. bagels with cream cheese
615. art camp for the kids next week
616. Puffs Plus tissues
617. Tylenol
618 ginger ale
619. freshly painted white road lines
620. family gathering
621. hugs and kisses
622. cocker spaniels
623. help with the dishes
624. suspenders (makes me smile)
625. ice cubes
626. kitty purrs
627. morning fog
628. yardsales
629. chocolate covered strawberries
630. bacon
631. taking walks with my Daddy
632. listening to Daddy telling me a story
633. learning silly songs
634. taking a different way home
635. making rice/gr.beans/cheddarcheese
636. memorizing verse with my Daddy
637. learning to row a boat
638. learning to ride a bike
639. playing chess with my Daddy
640. building things with wood
641. going to the dump/trash barn
642. Daddy teaching me to listen to God
643. playing the recorder
644. eating crackers w/pb and mayonaise
645. hearing him tell "The Green Goblin"
646. making things with paper
647. using the Morse code
648. handcrafted model airplanes
649. milking a goat
650. "The Raggedy Man" poem
651. Evelyn Bryant
652. learning new words
653. daily prayers
654. VERNA dad's unconditional love
655. taught me Jesus love me
656. He made me feel special
657. He was kind and patient
658. taught me of loving people,
659. loving to read,
660. loving to write poetry
661. He gave me good advice
662. He understood me when no one else did
663. He was proud of me
664. He taught me how to drive
665. He made me laugh
666. He had a million hugs
667. he sang with me and to me
668. He loved my husband and children.
669. a new day
670. a new week
671. fuzzy slippers
672. a new kitchen door
673. morning light through the leaves
674. morning bird songs
675. jobs for my family
676. a husband who is always there and does all I can't.
677. My husband's great love for the Lord.
678. The poetry of a dear lady who went home Sat.
679. The wisdom and friendship of Evelyn Bryant.
670. Facebook so I can share with friends
671, God's unending love and wisdom.
672. the lovely sunshine
673. good breeze to dry the washing
674. my garden vegetables
675. yesterday's rain
676. my many friends on Face Book
677. Nancy Ouellette
678. Lynnda Harriman Sawtelle
679. Mr. and Mrs. Jaworski
680. Canaan Christian School
681. deep sleep
682. old hymns
683. Jerelyn
684. Jessica
685. Juliann
686. Jeffrey
687. Bryan
688. Scott
689. Richard
690. Daniel
691. Aaron
692. Carson
693. Landon
694. Kevin - my wonderful husband
695. the ability and desire to serve Him
696. Sunshine
697. flowers
698. good weather
699. trials in our life
700. knowing Him.
701. for Daniel doing "home improvement" at our house
702. a new sidewalk from the driveway up to our front door
703. other work (painting, etc.) outside of the house.
705. Tracy: the world's best traveling companion in this life
706. Landis: a healthy, smart, emotionally-savvy son
707. creative work
708. beauty
709. variety, diversity
710. Computers and the internet
711. modern technology that allows me to live wherever I want
712. comforting hugs
713. new friend via the love of Evelyn
714. timers (to help train toddlers)
715. long summer days
716. the character that the Lord has developed and is developing in me even though the development process can be quite painful at times.
717. breakfast out with my sweetie
718. family together
719. good sermons
720. hymns
721. worship as a family
722. "He Knows My Name"
723. great piano music
724. trips to the beach in the fall
725. an interesting book
726. scrabble games
727. conversation with a friend
728. good memories
729. Faithwriters challenges
730. inspiration to write
731. creamy fudge
732. holding a baby
733. encouragement from the Word
734. sunrise
735. sunset
736. God's omnipotence
737. Christmas
738. Thanksgiving
739. good surprises
740. faith when the way seems dark
741. relief from pain
742. that God is right beside me
743. the Lord already has a plan in place
744. Son #2 and wife visiting
745. Memories of a friend who went home
746. Facebook friends
748, I can keep in touch with people I so miss.
749. having the Lord in my life and heart
750. sleeping toddler
751. pregnancy will not last forever :)
752. for God's faithfulness working in my life
753. for my family and friends :)
754. croaking bullfrogs
755. purple violets
756. yellow buttercups
757. fields of lupine
758. wind chimes
759. clean kitchen floor
760. answering machines
761. having a trip to pack for
762. Potter books to read
763. popcorn to eat
764. pflicks to watch
765. silly kitten antics
766. getting the FW dates wrong
767. finding that I had the wrong hotel
768. getting our refund
769. finding the correct hotel
770. new reservations
771. Jeremy
772. Malachi
773. Molly
774. Mariana
775. Skowhegan Press that keeps us employed
776. Trinity Baptist Church
777. for their perseverance in the Lord
778. My Jasmine(goat)
779. her wonderful milk for cheeses
780. Moms who share hobbies with their daughters
781. Shelves of canned produce from summers past.
782. Raspberry sorbet with hot fudge.
783. Book series
784. a sister that took me to a Bible preaching church
785. a Mother who always had a good breakfast on the table
786. a dad that shined my shoes
787. a productive doctor’s visit yesterday for Brian
788. his pain level is down
789. there haven’t been any bumps to the foot
790. the surgeon won’t need to see him for three weeks
791. He didn’t need to x-ray it yesterday
792. Praise the Lord for answered prayer!!
793. Thank God for safety on the road.
794. for children saved at VBS just this week
795. Not having to pay mortgage payments anymore!
796. Two working laptops.
797. Housesitting jobs.
798. Deck railings that don't need painting.
799. New babies.
800. Weddings.
801. umbrellas
802. little boys sloshing through puddles
803. little girl giggles
804. young parents getting a break
805. old fashioned merry-go-rounds
806. strollers
807. hot coffee
808. convenient bathrooms
809. train rides
810. ducklings
811. my favorite meal: breakfast!
812. God's will: open doors
813. God's will: closed doors
814. a friend's quick hand squeeze
815. great week of vbs
816. willing hands to clean up after vbs
817. being creative
818. my craft room
819. encouragement
820. 821. thank you's
822. eternal hope
823. a fixed car
824. phone calls from my husband
825. for romaine lettuce
826. imitation krab
827. Ken's Steakhouse raspberry-pecan vinaigrette
828. my favorite summer salad
829. a little avocado added makes me even more grateful
830. my own bed
831. rain stopping while traveling home
832. fun wedding shower
833. great smoked meat (beef, chicken, lamb)
834. frozen hot chocolate at Dunkin Donuts
835. young couple in love
836. my own bed
837. church family
838. purring kitten
839. comfy fuzzy socks
840. home
841. playing the piano at nursing home
842. helping resident find place in the Bible
843. new view of familiar Bible story
844. creamsicles
845. Carter singing in church
846. hugs from nursing home residents
847. having coffee with my husband in the morning
848. morning bird songs
849. sunshine
850. electricity
851. for empty plastic ice cream buckets
852. old-fashioned cherry pitter
853. washing machine
854. vacuum cleaner
855. for the life
856. for the health God has given me today
857. a wonderful Christian family
858. for my church
859. instant hot water
860. photos of family
861. my cute little Acer netbook, Pacer
862. his wireless mouse, Blue Boy
863. C. S. Lewis's life and works
864. Carter going pee 3 times on the potty
865. able to work on my VBS story
866. able to tutor this summer
867. walking about a mile 4 days a week
868. somedays I make it further than others
869. His plan He has for me.
870. for the flowers and bushes along the way
871. people to care for my mother in law
872. while I have surgery, I can rest in the Lord
873. wildlife just lying in the back yard
874. God's might and power in a thunderstorm
875. the rainbow through the raindrops
876. smiles through tears
878. the piney smell of maine
879. the salty smell of the ocean
880. the birds singing
881. an easy route to virginia
882. water to drink
883. a filled well
884. photos
885. God's protection
886. my dear husband Stephen
887. daughters- Stephanie
888. Rebecca
889. Margaret
890. Sons-in-law David
891. Jeremy
892. Al
893. Grandchildren Hannah
894. Jacob
895. bubble gum medicine
896. funny wild kitten
897. good tutoring session
898. Carter better today
899. clean sheets
900. croaking frogs

Annika going to the big zoo with friends today
my prayer group
more editing work
bagels with cream cheese
art camp for the kids next week
Thankful for a husband who is always there and does all I can't.
My husbands great love for the Lord.
The poetry of a dear lady who wnet home Sat.
The wisdom and friendship of Evelyn Bryant.
Facebook so I can share with friends
God's unending love and wisdom.
I am thanking God for the lovely sunshine and good breeze to dry the washing today! For my garden veg. abundantly watered by yesterday's rain and for my many frends on Face Book. I pray for each and everyone who reads here too that God will bless you too! x
I am so thankful for Daniel who is doing "home improvement" at our house. He's just completed pouring a beautiful (and badly needed) new sidewalk from the driveway up to our front door - not to mention all the other work (painting, etc.) he's done to the outside of the house. God bless him.
Raspberry sorbet with hot fudge.
Book series.
Today I'm grateful for the character that the Lord has developed and is developing in me even though the development process can be quite painful at times.
i am soooo thankful that God is right beside me thru thick and thin.
When things come uop I don't know how to handle that the Lord already has a plan in place
Husband who is the best.
Son #2 and wife visiting for a couple of day.
Memories of a friend who went home but I will have those memories until we see each other again.
Facebook friends
Facebook so I can keep in touch with people I so miss.
Most importnd is having the Lord in my life and heart.
Thankful for Jeremy, Malachi, Molly and Mariana. Skowhegan Press that keeps so many of us employed. Trinity Baptist Church for their perseverance in the Lord. My Jasmine(goat)and her wonderful milk for cheeses. Moms who share hobbies with their daughters.Shelves full of canned produce from summers past.
thanks, Laura and Cathy and Sunny and Ruth!
Not having to pay mortgage payments anymore!
Two working laptops.
Housesitting jobs.
Deck railings that don't need painting.
New babies.
my favorite meal: breakfast!
God's will: open doors
God's will: closed doors
a friend's quick hand squeeze
great week of vbs
willing hands to clean up after vbs
being creative
my craft room
thank you's
eternal hope
a fixed car
phone calls from my husband
I love it... God's will (no matter what)
I am grateful for romaine lettuce, imitation krab, and Ken's Steakhouse raspberry-pecan vinaigrette, which together make my favorite summer salad (and a little avocado added makes me even more grateful).
Hope this counts toward your 1000. I am thankful for the life and health God has given me today - thankful for a wonderful Christian family and for my church.
Have I said that I'm grateful for my cute little Acer netbook, Pacer, and his wireless mouse, Blue Boy? Well, I am. They're so much fun to travel with and to relax in front of the tv with.
Also, and this should definitely not be an afterthough, I am grateful for C. S. Lewis's life and works.
For therapy I walk about a mile 4 days a week and somedays I make it further than others but no matter how far I get that is the plan He has for me.
Thankful for the flowers and bushes along the way as I walk.
As I put in place people to care for my mother in law , while I have surgery, I can rest knowing that the Lord already has it planned out.
Watching the wildlife just laying in the back yeard.
For these I thank God each day:
My dear husband Stephen
Our Daughters Stephanie, Rebecca, & Margaret
Our Sons-in-law David,Jeremy,& Al
Our Grandchildren Hannah & Jacob
God's might and power in a
the rainbow through the raindrops
smiles through tears
the piney smell of maine
the salty smell of the ocean
the birds singing
an easy route to virginia
water to drink
a filled well
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