I am hosting Monday Manna today, where we meet to together to study a portion of God's Word. You may link to your blog with thoughts on this verse (with the Linky at the bottom of this page), or you may add a comment.
"For it is God who works in you
both to will and to do
for His good pleasure."
(Philippians 2:13, NKJV)
Pick Me!
From the time I was a little child, I knew that when I accepted God's gift of salvation that He put His Spirit within me. I sang songs like
"...since Jesus Christ came in,
and cleansed my heart from sin,
I'm in-right, out-right, up-right, down-right
Happy all the time."
It wasn't until I was about 30 years old that I began realizing the wonder of it - that God, the Almighty God, choosing to dwell in me. The more I thought about it, the more it changed my life. I became aware of those I met each day as I went about my regular errands. My prayers were for the spiritual needs of those in my life. I heard God urging me to visit someone or even give a stranger a hug.
God works through His people to do His will. He gives them a job of speaking to a person or reaching out to someone in need. I want Him to use me. I want to raise my hand and wave it around saying, "Pick me! Pick me!" If I am not being obedient, if I am being stubborn or bitter, He will probably not choose me, but give someone else that assignment.
God directs my days and paths. He times my goings so that I will meet certain people at the store or the dentist office. He gives me eyes to see a need; He places words in my mouth or tells me to quietly be a visible presence for Him.
I don't deserve this privilege. It is a wonderful gift from my Redeemer. I am delighted that He wants to use me for His working!
I think of myself as a water pipe. If my life is plugged with pride and busy-ness and anger, His Spirit cannot flow freely through me. I will miss out on the blessing of serving my Lord.
Each day should begin with the thought and prayer, "Lord, thank you for another day of life, to serve You. May others see You in my life today."
"Christ liveth in me,
Christ liveth in me;
Oh what a salvation this
That Christ liveth in me!"
(words by Daniel W. Whittle)

Vonnie, you've given a new perspective on this verse. It's great to read the insight others have the same verse. God is at work in the daily events of our lives. Praying that I'm fit to be picked as well. Blessings to you
Love the water pipe analogy, Vonnie - and the reminder of what a privilege it is to be chosen to be a conduit of His blessing. Great stuff!
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