"Dear Vonnie" Balancing Schedule

Each Thursday, I will do my best to answer your questions. I don't pretend to be an expert, but I know it's not easy being a wife and mother. It can be frustrating and discouraging, yet very rewarding. I'd be glad to listen to you, pray for you, and share some of my thoughts with you.

So, ask me something... anything...

Dear Vonnie,

I have three hours most mornings where the schedule is mine. I try to fit in devotions, working out, writing and phone calls. I rarely get the writing done. How do I find balance?

Running in Circles

Dear Running,

I remember those days, when my kids were little. It seems someone needs you from the second you wake up until you fall asleep...and sometimes in the middle of the night!

I found the verse "Pray without ceasing." become more meaningful. I would try to find five minutes to read a verse or two in the Bible, maybe while I was nursing the baby or drinking my coffee.

Then as I went about my day, I'd think about the verse. I have more time, now that my children are grown, but I still use those methods to meditate on the Lord. I sometimes write it on a notecard and stick where I can see it often, so I can memorize it. (refrigerator door, bathroom mirror, etc.) I put on good worshipful music. As I fold my laundry, I pray for the one whose clothes I'm handling.

A friend told me that she uses her shower time as a prayer time. Her husband even got her a better water heater, so she could pray longer.

Whenever you think of someone, pray for them. Make your whole day, a time of fellowshiping with the Lord. Washing dishes or rocking the baby can be your own private time with God. Your whole day can be one long constant conversation with God. You can wake with the words, "Dear Lord" and fall asleep at the end of the day with "Amen."

As far as writing? I had trouble with that when my kids were toddlers. Once I learned to snatch a few minutes to myself here and there, I could write out my thoughts. Each person has to find those moments. Some like the early hours; others stay up late; even others write on the go, keeping a notebook with them all the time.

Lord, please give mothers special grace and strength to do all that is required of them. Keep them close to You. Teach them through other Christians as they go about their daily lives. Teach them through their children's words and actions. Show Yourself to them as they work in their homes and neighborhoods. In Jesus' Name, Amen

1 comment:

Larie Carlice Proverbs 27:19 said...

I like the advice of praying while folding laundry.

Great pictures of the grandkids!



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