The Shepherds

Luke 2:8-20

Can you imagine this?

A group of rough men and boys huddled around a campfire, dressed in skins and homespun clothing. Occasionally, one will get up and check on a murmuring sleepy flock of sheep. A few of the shepherds are bedded down, trying to stay warm under their blanket.

Suddenly, a blinding bright light shines on them, as if a giant electric flood light has been turned on in their faces. Having never used any light, but sunlight or firelight, this panics them with extreme fear.

Then, as they become slightly accustomed to this light, they see a figure saying, "For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord" and the whole sky was filled with the song, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will to men." I can just see them facing up to the skies, turning this way and that, smiling with wonder and delight.

Darkness... darker now that the light had gone. No one is sleepy now! "Let us go even unto Bethlehem and see... and they found Mary and Joseph and the Babe..."

What a wonderful middle-of-the-night adventure! What wonderful news! "Christ is born!" They woke up the neighborhood shouting the message. The Messiah has come! ...not to the palace in Jerusalem... not from the sky with power... but as a tiny, child in a stable.

Lord, let me feel the excitement, the wonder, the joy of Your birth. May I desire to shout it to the world, that You came to earth to save us. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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