Pondering in My Heart

Luke 2:19
"Mary kept these sayings and pondered them in her heart."

Psalm 119:11
"Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee."

Do we think about God's Word as we go about our day? If we haven't memorized it, we can't. God can't bring Scripture to mind that will teach us about Himself and what He would like us do. As we concentrate on each word, we will think about what they mean and understand it better.

Recently, I've been wanting to really get serious about memorizing Bible passages, not just a verse here and there. I love to learn it in one flowing context. It is also easier to remember where to find it, if you need to look it up.

I've been learning verses ever since I was a little girl. My father, a pastor and teacher, taught us to learn whole chapters building verse upon verse. Psalm 1 and Psalm 19 and Psalm 23 are etched deep in my mind.

Starting in January, I would like to start memorizing John 15, the "Vine and Branches" passage, one verse/week. It helps to be accountable to someone else, someone who is waiting to hear you recite your next "lesson". I plan to type out my verses online (without looking at my Bible), so there will definitely be missing words and errors.

I'm asking, "Does anyone want to do this with me?" You may email me when you "recite" your verses, or you can post them as a reply comment, if you are brave. I will be using KJV, as this is the version I have used all my life, but I am not saying that you must use KJV, if you use another version.

My husband's mother suffered with Alheimers, not being able to read anymore or even recognize her own children. But, if someone started reading or saying a verse that she had once learned, she could quote it word for word along with them. God protected that part of her brain, conserving His Word. Even in her confusion, He was able to comfort her and bless her, plus others around her.

Read her story:
Whistling to the Lord

What do you think? Has God been urging you to learn more Scripture?
**Contact Me**

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