God With Us

Recently, I've been noticing how often it is mentioned in the Bible that God wants to be with us...with us...puny little sinful men!

In the Garden of Eden, God walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening. (Genesis 3:8,9)How beautiful! How wonderful! I wonder what they talked about.

When the tabernacle was built, it was filled with a holy light, the Shekinah Glory. They need only need to look toward the tabernacle each night, to see the beautiful pillar of God's fire. They knew that God was always there. (Exodus 40:34)

Isaiah foretold that God would send a Saviour, the Messiah, Immanuel, "God with us". (Isaiah 7:14)

Then, wonder of wonders, Almight God joined man and came to earth in the form of a man. He cloaked his glory, only letting it shine through once on the Mount of Olives, as he was transfigured before Peter, James, and John. (Matthew 17:2)

Jesus told his disciple that He would send His Spirit, the Comforter, to indwell them, to abide in them constantly, never to leave them. He will never leave us. The all powerful God lives IN us! (John 14:16)

He will return someday as King! He will rule this earth with His wisdom and justice. Then when He has purged this world from sin, once and for all, He will present the glorious New Jerusalem, live with man forever, and time will be no more! (Revelation 21:3)

(a poem/carol I wrote)
~ God With Us ~


Anonymous said...

You should read (or sing) your poem Wednesday evening. I love it.

Dee Yoder said...

It IS amazing that He continually comes to us with covenants and grace extended to keep a relationship with His created! Awesome God and awesome love.

Josh said...

One thing that really makes me smile is how the God that Christians serve is not only the one true God, but He is also a God that wants to be involved in His creation's lives. He doesn't just sit up in Heaven looming over us and watching to see if we make one wrong move with lightning bolt in hand. He desires to have a relationship with us, and He sent His son Jesus to live among us and show us how much He cares. How wonderful that is!


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