"Dear Vonnie"

I am so very grateful to the women in my life that I could go to for advice and encouragement. I would like to be used of God to lift others. I don't want to appear pretentious; I only wish to share some of the lessons God has taught me.

God has blessed me with a wonderful life. I have been...

~ a daughter of pastor/teacher and nurse midwife
~ a wife for 30+ years
~ a mother of 8 grown children
~ a teacher (homeschool/K-3/French)

I know it's not easy being a wife and mother. It can be frustrating and discouraging, yet very rewarding. I'd be glad to listen to you , pray for you, and share some of my thoughts with you.

So, ask me something... anything... **Contact Me**

Love and Prayers,


Julie Arduini said...

Yay, yay, yay! I believe this is biblical, mentoring and encouragement is so important.

Trust me, I'll be reading and soaking in what you write.

Thanks for doing this Vonnie!

Laury said...

Mentoring is so very important. I'm very glad you're doing this too.

Hold onto your hat -- you're in for a brand new adventure! Can't wait to see how God uses this column for His glory!


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