B is for . . .

This thought has been my theme for the last few years. Our God knows what is best. Both the blessings and trials have their part in our growth and learning. We need to trust Him - his love, his care, his wisdom.

What truths has God been teaching you? 

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  1. This is a lesson I need to remember more. My other big lesson is patience.

  2. Thank you, J'nell. I checked out your website. It seems we have a few things in common. *smile*

  3. Amen! A thankful heart is a happy heart!

  4. Very nice, Yvonne. The Lord has been teaching
    me this too--to trust and be thankful in
    all things.

  5. There is always something to be thankful for. When I can remember that, it sure stops the whining. Which is always good.


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