All I Need

Our pastor has started preaching in II Peter. I love how he goes through the verses word by word. He explains the meanings in Greek (or Hebrew in the OT) and takes us to other Scripture where the Bible speaks on the same topic.

Here are a few snippets of his sermon.

When you have to assemble something, isn't it frustrating when one of the necessary parts is missing? God never leaves any parts out.

(II Peter 1:3)
"His divine power has given to us all things
that pertain to life and godliness,
through the knowledge of Him
who called us in glory and virtue."

We have everything we need to live for God.

We don't always feel like we are equipped for the Christian life,
but if God calls us, He will enable us.

God does not lack sufficiency in anything.

This abundancy is based on the character of God, the Giver.

Godliness means to be committed to God.

We can't obtain life by only being committed to God.
He gives us the capacity to live for Him.

We should seek a knowledge of God by studying His Word.

I needed to be reminded of the greatness of my God. When I am feeling helpless, when I feel the job is too big, I need to remember that God has a plan for my life. He won't ask me to do more than I am able to do (with His strength and power).

That's the key. I need to get so close to Him, that He can work through me to accomplish His will. I cannot serve Him in my own diligence or persistence or self-control. It will all be empty and dry. He gives life to my ministry.

"Let God do something in you,
and He will do something through you."

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